Table of Contents

InfiniteLoop element

Specifies the response handling in case an infinite loop was detected when polling a table.

Content type

Item Facet value Description
string restriction
  Enumeration success The SNMP response is accepted, and the table is updated.
  Enumeration timeout The SNMP response is rejected, the table is not updated, and the timeout timer of the interface is triggered.




Prior to DataMiner 9.6.3, when SLSNMPManager detected an infinite loop when polling a table, it always considered the response valid.

From DataMiner 9.6.3 onwards, in case of an infinite loop, the response will be rejected by default. To override this default behavior, InfiniteLoop can be configured.

If you want SLSNMPManager to accept a response in case of an infinite loop, set InfiniteLoop to "Success". This tag can only be used for table parameters.


Regardless of the InvalidResponseHandling setting, when an infinite loop is detected, a message will be logged in the element's log file (type ERROR, level 0).

Feature introduced in DataMiner 9.6.3 (RN 20419).


<Param ...>
    <ArrayOptions ...>