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checkBindings attribute

Specifies basic filtering on the trap bindings.

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This attribute performs basic filtering on the bindings. You can compare a certain binding to a fixed string (which optionally contains wildcards), or you can compare it to the value of another parameter.

Checks must be separated by pipe characters.

In the example below, binding 2 of the trap must contain display and binding 3 must match the value of Parameter 102 (which can also contain wildcards). If both conditions are true, DataMiner will process the trap.

<TrapOID checkBindings="2=*display*|3=id:102"  setBindings="1,1012;2,1045" ipid="205" mapAlarm="TRUE|Severity:4:Normal,Normal;Warning,Warning*;Minor,Minor,Minor low,minor high;Major,Major*;Critical,Critica*;Timeout,Timeout;Information,Information|Value:A trap is received from '[1]': Parameter '[2]' has value '[3]'|Link:1,2" type="wildcard">*</TrapOID>

From DataMiner 9.5.1 onwards, it is possible to specify full OIDs instead of positions (RN 13794).

<TrapOID checkBindings="*value*|" setBindings=",102;,103;,104;,105;,106"  ipid="100" mapAlarm="TRUE|Severity:,Normal;Warning,Warning*;Minor,Minor,Minor low,minor high;Major,Major*;Critical,Critica*;Timeout,Timeout;Information,Information|Value:A trap is received: '[]' and '[]' and '[]'|Link:," type="complete">*</TrapOID>