Table of Contents

Timer element

Specifies which groups have to be executed, and when.




Name                     Type Required Description
id TypeObjectId Yes Specifies the unique timer ID.
fixedTimer EnumTrueFalse If, in case of a relative timer protocol, this attribute is set to "true", the user will not be able to change the interval.
options string Specifies a number of options.


Name Occurrences Description
  Condition [0, 1] Specifies a condition that must be met in order for the timer to execute.
  Name [0, 1] Specifies the timer name.
  Content Contains all the groups that have to be executed when the timer is triggered.
  Interval Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) between consecutive executions.
  Time Specifies how frequently the included groups will be executed.


It is recommended to define multiple timers. That way, you can separate the important groups (which will be polled more frequently) from the less important groups (which will be polled less frequently).


In the following example, QAction 800 is executed for every row in table 800:

<Timer id="1" fixedTimer="true" options="ip:800,1;each:10000;pollingRate:30,5,5;qaction:800">

In the following example, a ping is executed for every row in table 1000 using IP found in columns idx 30:

<Timer id="4" options="ip:1000,30;each:3600000;pollingRate:15,3,3;threadPool:100;ping:rttColumn=28,timestampColumn=29,size=0,ttl=250,timeout=3000,type=icmp,continueSnmpOnTimeout=false;qactionBefore:14">