Table of Contents

TreeControl element

Defines a tree control.




Name Type Required Description
parameterId TypeParamId Yes Specifies the parameter ID of the tree control.
readOnly EnumTrueFalse If set to "true", disables all the write parameters in the tree control.


Name                                   Occurrences Description
  ExtraDetails [0, 1] Defines additional tree item information to be displayed in the details section of the tree control layout.
  ExtraTabs [0, 1] Contains additional tab definitions in the tree control.
  HiddenColumns [0, 1] Specifies the columns to be hidden.
  Hierarchy [0, 1] Defines the relationship between the (visible) tables.
  ReadonlyColumns [0, 1] Used to hide write controls for certain table columns.
  OverrideDisplayColumns [0, 1] Used to override the display key or the index of a row by a different column of the same table.
  OverrideIconColumns [0, 1] By specifying a column in this element, you can apply a custom icon based on a cell value in a row.



The root table of a tree control always has to be displayed. A position does not have to be added; you only need to specify RTDisplay = true.