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Time element

Defines, together with /Protocol/Triggers/Trigger/On, the exact moment at which a trigger will go off.






Name Type Required Description
case string Specifies the condition operator: equal, not equal, greater, less, or a logical combination of those operators.
id unsignedInt Specifies the ID of the parameter, command, response, etc. (defined in /Protocol/Triggers/Trigger/On) of which the value will be checked.
nr EnumTrueFalse Set this attribute to true if the value attribute contains a parameter ID instead of a parameter value.
value string Specifies the value that will be used as condition operand.


Not all Protocol.Triggers.Trigger.Time values can be used in combination with the different Protocol.Triggers.Trigger.On types. See below for an overview of the possible combinations.

<On> value <Time> value Description
command before The trigger will go off before the specified command is executed.
command after The trigger will go off after the specified command is executed.
communication DATA The trigger will go off when the connection reports the specified DATA string. See example below*.
group before The trigger will go off before the specified group is executed.
group after The trigger will go off after the specified group is executed.
pair succeeded The trigger will go off when the specified pair has successfully been executed.
pair timeout The trigger will go off when a timeout occurs on the specified pair.
pair timeout after retries The trigger will go off after the last retry.
parameter change The trigger will go off when the value of the specified parameter has changed.
parameter change after response The trigger will go off when the value of the specified parameter has changed and the incoming response has been fully received.
parameter timeout The trigger will go off when a timeout occurs on the specified parameter.
parameter timeout after retries The trigger will go off after the last retry.
protocol after startup The trigger will go off when the element running the protocol has (re)started. For example: Restart or Activate after stop. It will not trigger after a Pause. Note that at least one group must be defined in the protocol, as otherwise the trigger will not work.
protocol link file changed The trigger will go off when the protocol’s link file has changed. (This is a matrix-related option.)
response before The trigger will go off before the specified response is processed.
response after The trigger will go off after the specified response has successfully been received.
session timeout The trigger will go off when a timeout occurs on the specified session.
timer before The trigger will go off before the specified timer is executed.

* For example, for an HTTP connection, you can specify the following:

<Trigger id="100">

In the code above, the Time element is the hexadecimal representation of the following string:


  • If you define a trigger that will be activated by another trigger, then leave this tag empty.
  • In legacy DataMiner versions prior to DataMiner 9.0.0 [CU2], when <NoTimeout>...</NoTimeOut> was specified in the protocol, the "timeout after retries" trigger did not go off (whereas the "timeout" trigger did go off) when the response matched the value set in <NoTimeout>. However, in the currently supported DataMiner versions, the "timeout after retries" trigger will go off despite the <NoTimeout> setting, resulting in similar behavior as the "timeout" trigger.