AlarmID |
Integer |
The alarm ID. |
TimeOfArrival |
DateTime |
The time at which the alarm occurred. |
TypeID |
Integer |
The type of the alarm: “New Alarm”, “Cleared”, “Mask”, “Unmask”, “Dropped from ...”, “Escalated from ...”, ... |
Value |
String |
The raw alarm value as it is stored in the database. See DisplayValue below. |
StatusID |
Integer |
The current status of the alarm: “Open” (12), “Cleared” (11), “Mask” (25), ... |
SeverityID |
Integer |
The alarm severity: “Critical” (1), “Major”, “Minor”, “Warning”, “Normal” (5), “Timeout” (17), “Error” (24), “Notice” (28), ... |
SeverityRangeID |
Integer |
The severity range: “Normal” (5), “High” (6), “Low” (7) |
UserStatusID |
Integer |
The user Status: “Not Assigned” (18), ... |
Comments |
String |
The comments associated with the alarm. |
Owner |
String |
The user who owns the alarm. |
SourceID |
Integer |
The ID of the module that generated the alarm. Example: 16 = SLDataMiner |
PrevAlarmID |
Integer |
The ID of the previous alarm in the tree to which this alarm record belongs. If the alarm is the first alarm in a tree, PrevAlarmID is 0. |
RootAlarmID |
Integer |
The ID of the first alarm in the tree to which this alarm record belongs. |
ElementName |
String |
The name of the element on which the alarm occurred. |
ElementType |
String |
The type of the element on which the alarm occurred. |
ParameterName |
String |
The name of the parameter on which the alarm occurred. |
DisplayValue |
String |
The textual representation of the alarm value. This representation includes units and has transformations (e.g. discreet mappings) applied. See Value above. |
RootTime |
DateTime |
The timestamp of the first alarm in the tree to which this alarm record belongs. |
Services |
Array of string |
The list of DmaId/ElementId pairs referring to the services in which the alarm is included. |
ParentServices |
Array of AlarmServiceInfo |
Information about the services in which this alarm is included. Each AlarmServiceInfo object contains a service name a DmaId/ServiceId pair. |
Interfaces |
Array of string |
The list of DmaId/InterfaceId pairs referring to the interfaces in which the alarm is included. |
ParentInterfaces |
Array of AlarmInterfaceInfo |
Information about the interfaces in which the alarm is included. Each AlarmInterfaceInfo object contains a custom interface name and a DmaId/InterfaceID pair. |
CorrelationReferences |
Array of CorrelationReference |
Array of references to Correlation alarms on the alarm. |
BaseAlarms |
Array of string |
In case of a correlated alarm: The list of DmaId/AlarmId pairs referring to the raw alarms on which the correlated alarm is based. |
IsNew |
Boolean |
Whether or not the alarm is new. |
IsLastHistory |
Boolean |
Indicates whether an alarm is the most recent one in the history tree. |
Links |
Array of AlarmLinkItem |
Hyperlinks to webpages or executable commands. |
RCALevel |
Integer |
The root cause analysis level. |
Properties |
Array of PropertyInfo |
The properties of the alarm. |
CreationTime |
DateTime |
The time when the alarm was created in DataMiner. |
RootCreationTime |
DateTime |
The time when the first alarm in the alarm tree was created in DataMiner. |
ViewImpactInfo |
Array of AlarmViewInfo |
The views affected by the alarm. |
ParameterRCALevel |
Integer |
The RCA level of the parameter. |
ServiceRCALevel |
Integer |
The RCA level of the service. |
Category |
String |
Custom category that can be assigned to a parameter using the information template. |
Description |
String |
User-friendly description of the alarm, which can be customized with the information template. |
CorrectiveAction |
String |
Description of corrective actions that should be taken, which can be customized with the information template. |
InterpretTableIdx |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the table index needs to be interpreted by the client. Used for DVE elements. |
KeyPoint |
String |
The exact location in the signal chain where the issue occurred. Used in DMS Business Intelligence. |
OfflineImpact |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the alarm has an impact during the offline window of an SLA. Used in DMS Business Intelligence. |
ComponentInfo |
String |
Contains more information about the nature of the alarm. Used in DMS Business Intelligence. |
TableIdxPk |
String |
The primary key of the table index. |