Table of Contents

Methods (v0)


From DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.6 onwards, the Web Services API v0 is considered obsolete. By default, the v0 interface is disabled from these DataMiner versions onwards.

Overview of the methods (v0)

Method Description
CleanupConnections Closes all connections that have been idle for a specific period of time.
Connect Logs on to the DataMiner System and requests authentication.
CreateAutomationScript Creates DataMiner Automation scripts consisting of statements that each contain a C# code block.
GetActiveAlarmsFromElement Retrieves a list of all the alarms of a specific element (referenced by name).
GetActiveAlarmsFromView Retrieves a list of all the alarms of a specific view (referenced by name).
GetElementByPollingIp Retrieves a list of all the elements that poll a specific IP address.
GetElementNameByPollingIp Retrieves a list of all the elements that poll a specific IP address (element names only).
GetElementStateByID Retrieves the current state of an element (referenced by ID).
GetElementStateByName Retrieves the current state of an element (referenced by name).
GetElements Retrieves a list of all the elements in the DMS.
GetElementsFiltered Retrieves a specified series of elements.
GetElementsFromView Retrieves a list of all the elements in a specific view.
GetParameterValueByElementID Retrieves the current state and current value(s) of specific parameters of an element (referenced by ID).
GetParameterValueByElementName Retrieves the current state and current value(s) of specific parameters of an element (referenced by name).
GetParameterValueByIds Retrieves the value of a specific parameter (referenced by DataMiner Agent ID, element ID, and parameter ID).
GetProtocolForElement Retrieves all information regarding the protocol of a specific element.
GetServiceElementListByID Retrieves a list of all the elements and services in a specific service (referenced by ID).
GetServiceElementListByName Retrieves a list of all the elements and services in a specific service (referenced by name).
GetServicePropertiesByID Retrieves the properties of a specific service (referenced by ID).
GetServicePropertiesByName Retrieves the properties of a specific service (referenced by name).
GetServices Retrieves a list of all the services in the DMS.
GetServicesAlarmStateByID Retrieves the current alarm state of a specific service (referenced by ID).
GetServicesAlarmStateByName Retrieves the current alarm state of a specific service (referenced by name).
GetSubViews Retrieves the names of all subviews of a specified view.
RequestLoginAsTicket Retrieves a logon ticket that can then be added to e.g. a DataMiner Maps URL.
SetParameterValueByElementID Updates the value of a parameter linked to an element (referenced by ID).