Table of Contents

Using the Web Services (v1)

The v1 methods can be used in SOAP, JSON, or URL-encoded requests.


We strongly recommend that you use HTTPS when accessing the Web Service APIs over public internet. If you do not do so, all information – including logon credentials – will be sent over the internet as plain, unencrypted text.


Because of the additional security layer used in DaaS systems, at present, it is not possible to connect to a DaaS system using the Web Services (v1).


Most methods require a connection string, which is a token identifier received upon authentication. To authenticate, either use the ConnectApp method, or, if two-step authentication is required, use ConnectAppAndInfo and ConnectAppAndInfoStep2.

When you authenticate, make sure to pass along the name and version of the client application as provided by Skyline Communications as part of the DataMiner software license.

  • If the connection is not used for 5 minutes, the session will end. You will then need to connect again to request a new connection ID.
  • The client application should invoke the Connect method once, retaining the same connection ID for all subsequent web method calls. Should the connection ID become invalid, the Web APIs will raise an error ("No connection available"), which the client application can identify so it can subsequently reconnect, allowing the API call to be retried. This approach eliminates the necessity of initiating a Connect operation prior to each call to the Web APIs.

Interfaces and WSDL files

The DataMiner Web Services (v1) are accessible via the following interfaces.

Protocol Version Address
SOAP v1 http://DmaNameOrIpAddress/API/v1/soap.asmx
JSON v1 http://DmaNameOrIpAddress/API/v1/json.asmx

For security reasons, by default, it is not possible to test web API requests from an external machine using HTTP POST instead of SOAP. To enable this, uncomment the following section in the file web.config in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\API:

<!-- uncomment to test webservices outside localhost:
<add name="HttpGet"/>
<add name="HttpPost"/>

The WSDL files can be found on the following addresses.

Protocol Version Address
SOAP v1 http://DmaNameOrIpAddress/API/v1/soap.asmx?WSDL
JSON v1 http://DmaNameOrIpAddress/API/v1/json.asmx?WSDL


When SOAP requests are used, the URL should have the structure http(s)://{DMA IP}/api/v1/soap.asmx, regardless of which method is chosen.

Make sure all the input fields for a method are enclosed within the method's name tags.

For examples, see SOAP examples.


For JSON requests, the URL should include the method, in the format http(s)://{DMA IP}/API/v1/Json.asmx/{Method}.

The fields for each method will be serialized in a JSON without root element.

For examples, see JSON examples.


DataMiner's API supports the use of encoded URLs as the content of the body in an HTTP POST request, as illustrated below:

POST https://dma.local/API/v1/Json.asmx/GetElement
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length
