Table of Contents


Item Format Description
Avg Array of Double The trend values (average trending).
EndTime DateTime The timestamp of the last trend value.
Max Array of Double The maximum values (only in case of average trending).
Min Array of Double The minimum values (only in case of average trending).
StartTime DateTime The timestamp of the first trend value.
Data Array of Double The trend values (real-time trending or average trending).
FailReason String If the requested trend data could not be retrieved, this field will contain the error message.
HasFailed Boolean Whether or not the request for trend data failed.
ParameterID Integer The parameter ID.
ParameterIdx String The display key of the table row (in case the parameter is a table parameter).
Status Array of Integer iStatus values: 0, 5, 60, ..., or negative values indicating gaps in the graph.
See the list of iStatus values in the DataMiner User Guide.
Timestamps Array of DateTime The timestamps of the data points in Avg, Max, Min and Status.

The arrays Avg,* Min*, Max, Status and Timestamps always have the same number of values.