Table of Contents


Item Format Description
DataMinerID Integer The ID of the DataMiner Agent where the element was created.
HostingAgentID Integer The ID of the DataMiner Agent that is currently hosting the element.
ID Integer The ID of the alarm.
RootAlarmID Integer The ID of the root alarm (i.e. the first alarm in the alarm tree).
ElementID Integer The ID of the element.
ElementName String The name of the element.
IsElementMasked Boolean Whether or not the element is masked.
ParameterID Integer The ID of the parameter.
ParameterName String The name of the parameter.
TableIndex String The table index (in case the parameter is a table parameter).
DisplayValue String The display value (in case the parameter is a table parameter).
AlarmState String The current state of the alarm.
Type String The type of alarm (e.g. “New Alarm”, “Escalated From Warning”, “Dropped From Major”, ...).
IsAggregation Boolean Whether the alarm originates from an aggregation element.
IsMasked Boolean Whether or not the alarm is masked.
Services Array of string The names of the services affected by the alarm.
TimeOfArrival String The time at which the alarm was created (local time of the DataMiner Agent).
Example: “2014-05-14 08:56:17”
TimeOfArrivalUTC Long integer The time at which the alarm was created (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
Example: 1400050577000
RootTime String The time at which the very first alarm in the alarm tree was created (local time of the DataMiner Agent).
Example: “2014-05-14 08:46:27”
RootTimeUTC Long integer The time at which the very first alarm in the alarm tree was created (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
Example: 1400049987000
IsTrending Boolean Whether or not the parameter is being trended.
IsOwner Boolean Whether or not someone has taken ownership of the alarm.
OwnerName String The name of the person who currently owns the alarm.
LastChangeUTC Long integer The time when the alarm last changed, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
IsCleared Boolean Whether the alarm is cleared. (Added from DataMiner 9.5.5 onwards.)