Item | Format | Description |
DataMinerID | Integer | The ID of the DataMiner Agent where the element was created. |
HostingAgentID | Integer | The ID of the DataMiner Agent that is currently hosting the element. |
ID | Integer | The ID of the alarm. |
RootAlarmID | Integer | The ID of the root alarm (i.e. the first alarm in the alarm tree). |
ElementID | Integer | The ID of the element. |
ElementName | String | The name of the element. |
IsElementMasked | Boolean | Whether or not the element is masked. |
ParameterID | Integer | The ID of the parameter. |
ParameterName | String | The name of the parameter. |
TableIndex | String | The table index (in case the parameter is a table parameter). |
DisplayValue | String | The display value (in case the parameter is a table parameter). |
AlarmState | String | The current state of the alarm. |
Type | String | The type of alarm (e.g. “New Alarm”, “Escalated From Warning”, “Dropped From Major”, ...). |
IsAggregation | Boolean | Whether the alarm originates from an aggregation element. |
IsMasked | Boolean | Whether or not the alarm is masked. |
Services | Array of string | The names of the services affected by the alarm. |
TimeOfArrival | String | The time at which the alarm was created (local time of the DataMiner Agent). Example: “2014-05-14 08:56:17” |
TimeOfArrivalUTC | Long integer | The time at which the alarm was created (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT). Example: 1400050577000 |
RootTime | String | The time at which the very first alarm in the alarm tree was created (local time of the DataMiner Agent). Example: “2014-05-14 08:46:27” |
RootTimeUTC | Long integer | The time at which the very first alarm in the alarm tree was created (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT). Example: 1400049987000 |
IsTrending | Boolean | Whether or not the parameter is being trended. |
IsOwner | Boolean | Whether or not someone has taken ownership of the alarm. |
OwnerName | String | The name of the person who currently owns the alarm. |
LastChangeUTC | Long integer | The time when the alarm last changed, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT). |
IsCleared | Boolean | Whether the alarm is cleared. (Added from DataMiner 9.5.5 onwards.) |