Table of Contents


Item Format Description
History Boolean Set to True to retrieve history alarms. By default set to False, so only active alarms are retrieved.
SlidingWindow Boolean Set to True to retrieve alarms in a sliding window.
FilterItem DMAAlarmFilterItem See DMAAlarmFilterItem.
StartTime Long integer Only alarms newer than this UTC timestamp are retrieved.
EndTime Long integer Only alarms older than this UTC timestamp are retrieved.
Masked Boolean Set to true to retrieve masked alarms. (Default: false.)
InfoEvents Boolean Set to true to retrieve information events. (Default: false.)
FullAlarmTree Boolean Set to true to include the full alarm tree. By default set to false, so only the top-level alarms are retrieved.
Columns Array of string Available from DataMiner 9.5.7 onwards. Can contain one or more of the following values, corresponding to Alarm Console columns:
- status
- comment
- source
- creation time
- root creation time
- category
- description
- corrective action
- component info
- key point
- offline impact
- interface impact
- interfaces
- view impact
- views
- function impact
- functions
- alarm.propertyname (propertyname being the name of the alarm property)
- element.propertyname (propertyname being the name of the element property)
- service.propertyname (propertyname being the name of the service property)
- view.propertyname (propertyname being the name of the view property)
- protocol.propertyname (propertyname being the name of the protocol property)
Limit Integer The maximum number of alarms to include. (By default: 100.)
SortBy Array of string The field(s) by which the alarms should be sorted.
SortAscending Boolean Determines whether alarms should be sorted in ascending or descending order.