Table of Contents


Item Format Description
DataMinerID Integer The ID of the DataMiner Agent.
ID Integer The ID of the element.
Name String The name of the element.
Description String The description of the element.
AlarmState String The current alarm state of the element.
AlarmStateCappedIncluded String The maximum alarm severity when the element is included (only for elements that are part of a service).
AlarmStateCappedNotUsed String The maximum alarm severity when the element is not used (only for elements that are part of a service).
IsTimeout Boolean Whether the element is in timeout.
Views Array of DMAObject The list of views in which the element can be found.
Services Array of DMAObject The list of services of which the element is a part.
ProtocolName String The name of the protocol.
ProtocolVersion String The version of the protocol.
State String The current state of the element.
IsCPE Boolean Whether the element is a CPE element.
IsSLA Boolean Whether the element is an SLA element.
IsSpectrum Boolean Whether the element is a spectrum element.
IsDVE Boolean Whether the element is a DVE element.
IsDerived Boolean Whether the element is a derived element.
IsMonitored Boolean Whether an alarm template has been assigned to the element.
HasTrendTemplate Boolean Whether a trend template has been assigned to the element.
HasVisio Boolean Whether a Visio file has been linked to the element.
HideParameters Boolean Only used for CPE elements. If the “CPEOnly” option is used in the element protocol, HideParameters will be true, indicating that only the CPE UI should be displayed in the client, and not the Data Display pages. However, clients can ignore this property if necessary, as it is still possible to retrieve parameters with the web APIs even when HideParameters is true.
Type String “Element”, “Service” or “Redundancy Group”.
PollingIP String The polling IP of the element.
ProtocolType String The protocol type as defined in the protocol (DMAElement.Type is either "Element" or "Service").
LastChangeUTC Long integer The time when the element was last changed, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
IsEnhancedService Boolean Whether the element is an enhanced service.
IsServiceTemplate Boolean Whether the element is a service template.