Table of Contents


Item Format Description
ID String The ID of the job section definition field.
Name String The name of the job section definition field.
Type String Type that the value must have. The following types are supported: string, double, long, DateTime, TimeSpan and bool.
IsMultiSelectionFilter Boolean Determines whether multiple instances of the section are allowed.
ShowInListView Boolean Determines whether the field is shown in the list view of the Jobs app.
IsRequired Boolean Determines whether filling in this field is mandatory when a job is created.
ReadOnly Boolean Indicates whether the field is part of the default section definition.
AutoIncrementPrefix String For an “auto increment” section definition field, this field can optionally contain a prefix for the auto increment counter.
AutoIncrementSuffix String For an “auto increment” section definition field, this field can optionally contain a suffix for the auto increment counter.
IsReadOnly Boolean Determines whether the client can change this field.
IsHidden Boolean Determines whether the field is hidden.
Tooltip String The tooltip that should be displayed for this field.