Table of Contents


Item Format Description
StartElement Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to start elements.
StopElement Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to stop elements.
PauseElement Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to pause elements.
MaskElementUntilClearance Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to mask elements until clearance.
MaskElementUntilUnmasking Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to mask elements until unmasking.
UnmaskElement Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to unmask elements.
MaskAlarm Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to mask alarms.
AlarmUnmasking Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to unmask alarms.
AlarmTakeOwnership Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to take ownership of alarms.
AccessElement Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to open elements.
DataDisplayAccess Boolean Whether or not the user has access to data pages.
ServiceDataDisplayAccess Boolean Whether or not the user has access to data pages of services.
AccessAlarms Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to open alarms.
ReleaseOwnershipOtherUser Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to release ownership of alarms that are being owned by other users.
Trending Boolean Whether or not the user has access to trending.
Dashboards Boolean Whether or not the user has access to DMS Dashboards
Reporter Boolean Whether or not the user has access to DMS Reporter
Surveyor Boolean Whether or not the user has access to the Surveyor.
TicketsUI Boolean Whether or not the user has access to DMS Ticketing.
TicketsConfigUI Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to configure ticket domains.
TicketsAddTicket Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to add tickets.
TicketsEditTicket Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to edit tickets.
TicketsDeleteTicket Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to delete tickets.
DashboardsAdd Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to add dashboards.
DashboardsEdit Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to edit dashboards.
DashboardsDelete Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to delete dashboards.
JobsViewAll Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to view all jobs.
JobsCreateUpdateJobs Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to create or update jobs.
JobsDeleteJobs Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to delete jobs.
JobsCreateUpdateDeleteSections Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to create, update or delete job sections.
Collaboration Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to use the collaboration feature.
ViewNotes Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to view notes.
ShareItem Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to share DataMiner items via
UnshareItem Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to stop the sharing of DataMiner items via
UpdateSharedItems Boolean Whether or not the user is allowed to make changes to a share of DataMiner items via