Table of Contents


Item Format Description
Baudrate Integer The baud rate for the serial port.
BusAddress String The bus address for the serial port.
Databits Integer The data bits setting of the serial port.
FlowControl String The flow control setting of the serial port: "No", "CTS_RTS", "CTS_DTR", "DSR_RTS", "DSR_DTR", or "XON_XOFF".
IPAddress String The polling IP of the device.
IPPort Integer The IP port of the device.
LocalIPPort Integer The local IP port of the device.
Network String Determines whether the device is accessible through the first or second network interface of the DMA, or if this is automatically selected.
Parity String The parity setting of the serial port: "No", "Even", "Odd", "Mark", or "Space"
SerialPort String The name/number of the serial port.
Stopbits Double The stop bits setting of the serial port.
Type String "Serial", "TCP" or "UDP".