Table of Contents


Item Format Description
ExcludeTriggers Array of DMATriggerCombination The triggers determining whether the group is excluded. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields:
- TriggerID: The ID of the trigger.
- CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc.
IncludeTriggers Array of DMATriggerCombination The triggers determining whether the group is included. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields:
- TriggerID: The ID of the trigger.
- CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc.
NotUsedTriggers Array of DMATriggerCombination The triggers determining whether the group is used. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields:
- TriggerID: The ID of the trigger.
- CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc.
IncludedCapped String The maximum severity for elements in the group when it is included: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning or Normal.
NotUsedCapped String The maximum severity for elements in the group when it is not used: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning or Normal.
ParentGroupID Integer The ID of the parent group, if any.
Name String The name of the group.