Table of Contents


Item Format Description
DataMinerID Integer The ID of the DataMiner Agent.
ElementID Integer The ID of the service.
ParameterID Integer The ID of the parameter.
TableIndex String The display key of the table row (in case of a table parameter).
ParameterName String The name of the parameter.
Value String The current value of the parameter.
DisplayValue String The parameter value that will be displayed.
LastValueChange String The last time the value of the parameter has changed.
LastValueChangeUTC Long integer The last time the value of the parameter has changed, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
Positions Array of DMAParameterPosition The places where the parameter can be found in the different Data Display pages of the element.
Discreets Array of DMAParameterEditDiscreet The discreet values of the parameter (only if WriteType is “Discreet”)
Type String The type of parameter: “Read”, “Write”, or “Table”.
InfoSubText String The parameter description.
WriteType String The type of write parameter: “String”, “Discreet”, “Number”, ...
IsMonitored Boolean Whether the value of the parameter is being monitored by an alarm template.
AlarmState String The current alarm state of the parameter.
IsTrending Boolean Whether the value of the parameter is being trended.
Options String The parameter options (extra flags to e.g. indicate special formatting instructions).
LastChangeUTC Long integer The time when the parameter last changed, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).