Table of Contents


Item Format Description
IsService Boolean Indicates whether the service child is a service.
ElementSelection DMAElementSelectionMethod Determines whether the service child is fixed or templated, and how this is configured.
- For a fixed service child, DMAFixedElementSelectionMethod is used, which consists of the DataMinerID and elementID fields (both integers).
- For a templated service child, DMATemplatedElementSelectionMethod is used, which consists of 3 booleans (allowReuse, OptionalElement, IncludeAllMatches) and template filters. These DMATemplateFilter objects consist of a Protocol (string), Version (string) and Mask (DMASTMaskString) field. The DMASTMaskString consists of a template string and an array of placeholders, as well as an additional Isregex boolean, indicating whether a regular expression is used, and a regexOptions enum (None, IgnoreCase, forceFullLine).
ParameterFilters Array of DMAServiceParamFilter The filters determining when parameters are included in the service child, if any.
A filter consists of 3 fields:
- IsPrimaryKey (Boolean): Determines whether the primary or the display key is used.
- ParameterID (integer): The ID of the parameter.
- Filter (DMASTMaskString): A filter consisting of a template string and an array of placeholders, as well as an additional Isregex boolean, indicating whether a regular expression is used, and a regexOptions enum (None, IgnoreCase, forceFullLine).
IncludedCapped String The maximum severity for the service child when it is included: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning or Normal.
NotUsedCapped String The maximum severity for the service child when it is not used: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning or Normal.
GroupID Integer The ID of the group the service child is in, if any.
Alias Array The alias of the service child, which is created using a DMASTString.
Description String The description of the service child.