Table of Contents


Item Format Description
Name String The system name of the field
DisplayName String The name of the field that is displayed for the user.
Type String The type of field. The following values are possible: "Boolean", "Double", "DateTime", "DataMiner Object", "DropDown", "Email", "Integer", "Text", "Url", "User", or "State".
PossibleValues Array of DMATicketFieldPossibleValue In case a field is of a type that allows the user to select different values, this array contains the different values.
ShowColumnInTicketOverview Boolean Determines whether the field is displayed as a column in the Ticketing app.
SingleSelectionFilter Boolean Determines whether it will be possible to use the field as a single selection filter in the Ticketing overview.
MultiSelectionFilter Boolean Determines whether it will be possible to use this field as a multiple selection filter in the Ticketing overview.
IsRequired Boolean Determines whether this field must always be filled in.
DefaultValue String The default value of the ticket, if applicable.
ExternalFieldName String The name of the corresponding field in a third-party ticketing system, if any.
IsExternalMaster Boolean Determines whether the value found in the DataMiner ticket is kept when it is merged with a ticket from a third-party system.
AlarmProperty String The alarm property that the ticket field is linked to.
CustomAlarmPropertyName String The custom alarm property that the ticket field is linked to.
CustomAlarmPropertyType String The type of custom alarm property (element, view, alarm, etc.) that the field is linked to.
StaticTextValue String The static text value assigned to the field, if any.
Concatenations Array of DMATicketFieldConcatItem Concatenation of multiple alarm fields and static text, if configured. Note that this requires the CorrelationTicketAction soft-launch flag. See Soft-launch options.
IsSearchDisplayField Boolean Determines whether the field is displayed when users search for tickets.