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Use this method to create a new element on the specified DataMiner Agent.


Item Format Description
connection String The connection string. See ConnectApp.
dmaID Integer The DataMiner Agent ID.
viewIDs Array of Integer The IDs of the views in which the element should be created.
configuration DMAElementConfiguration See DMAElementConfiguration.
  • When you create an element, the "State" property of the DMAElementConfiguration object should be Active, Paused or Stopped.
  • From DataMiner 9.5.5 onwards, it is possible to specify a different SNMP version than is configured in the protocol. For more information on the configuration, refer to the examples below.


Item Format Description
CreateElementResult Array of string The DataMiner ID and element ID of the new element.


Request specifying SNMPv2 for an SNMPv1, SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 protocol

<CreateElement xmlns="">
         <DMAElementBasePortInfo xsi:type="DMAElementSNMPPortInfo">

Request specifying SNMPv3 for an SNMPv1, SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 protocol

<CreateElement xmlns="">
         <DMAElementBasePortInfo xsi:type="DMAElementSNMPV3PortInfo">