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Use this method to have a method executed asynchronously.

Executing methods asynchronously

Some methods can take quite some time to execute (e.g. the GetVisio... methods). As it is not advised to block an HTTP channel for long periods of time, methods that take a long time to execute should be executed asynchronously.

To execute a method asynchronously, do the following:

  1. Send the task to the server using the ExecuteGenericAsyncRequest method.

  2. Check whether the server has finished executing the task using the IsGenericAsyncResponseAvailable method (see IsGenericAsyncResponseAvailable).


    To cancel the execution, use the method CancelAsyncRequest. See CancelAsyncRequest.

  3. If the server has finished executing the task, use the GetGenericAsyncResponse method to retrieve the result (see GetGenericAsyncResponse).


Item Format Description
method String The name of the method.
parameters Array of string The arguments to be passed to the method.


Item Format Description
ExecuteGenericAsyncRequestResult String The ticket that has to be passed along when executing the IsGenericAsyncResponseAvailable method or the GetGenericAsyncResponse method.