Table of Contents


Use this method to retrieve a snapshot of trend data for a specified parameter.


Item Format Description
connection String The connection ID. See ConnectApp.
dmaID Integer The DataMiner Agent ID.
elementID Integer The element ID.
parameterID Integer The parameter ID.
tableIndex String The (optional) table index
trendingSpanType String The trending span type: LastHour, LastDay, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastYear.
intervalAmount Integer The number of intervals used in the histogram. Obsolete. This field is no longer supported.
asPercentage Boolean Indicates whether the histogram should use percentages (= true) or absolute frequencies (= false).


Item Format Description
GetHistogramTrendDataForParameterResult Array of DMATrendData The trend data for the specified parameter.

The DMATrendData array includes an array of timestamps of type “long”. These values should be divided by 1000 to get the correct boundary values.