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Use this method to retrieve job suggestions matching a particular filter.


Item Format Description
connection String The connection ID. See ConnectApp.
domainID String The ID of the job domain.
filter.SearchText String The text that the job suggestions should match.
filter.FieldFilters Array of DMAJobFieldFilter See DMAJobFieldFilter.
filter.DateFrom Long integer The earliest date the jobs in the job suggestions can be planned.
filter.DateTill Long integer The latest date the jobs in the job suggestions can be planned.
filter.DateOccurrence String OCCUR or START or END
filter.CurrentPage Integer The ID of the page of suggestions to be retrieved, in case there are multiple pages.
filter.PageSize Integer The size of the page of suggestions to be retrieved, in case there are multiple pages.
filter.Order String ASC or DESC
filter.OrderBy DMAJobFieldFilter The field by which the list should be order.
amount Integer The number of suggestions that should be retrieved.


Item Format Description
GetJobSuggestionsResult Array of DMAJobSuggestion The job suggestions matching the filter.