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Use this method to retrieve the trend data for a parameter from within a particular timespan by primary key.

With this method, real-time data is only retrieved in case no average trending is available. To retrieve real-time data in case there is average trending, use GetTrendDataForTableParameterV2.


Item Format Description
connection String The connection ID. See ConnectApp.
dmaID Integer The DataMiner Agent ID.
elementID Integer The element ID.
parameterID Integer The parameter ID.
tableIndex String The primary key.
utcStartTime Long integer The start time of the timespan for which alarm state changes should be retrieved, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
utcEndTime Long integer The end time of the timespan for which alarm state changes should be retrieved, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).


Item Format Description
GetTrendDataForTableParameterResult DMATrendData The trend data for the specified primary key within the specified timespan.