Table of Contents


Use this method to retrieve the trend statistics for a specified service.

Available from DataMiner 9.5.8 onwards.


Item Format Description
connection String The connection ID. See ConnectApp.
dmaID Integer The DataMiner Agent ID.
serviceID Integer The service ID.
filter String Optional parameter name filter supporting regular expressions.
trendingSpanType String The trending span type: LastHour, LastDay, LastWeek, LastMonth, LastYear, CustomAmountHours or Custom.
customAmountHours Integer The custom amount of hours for the trend span in case TrendSpan is set to CustomAmountHours.
utcCustomStartTime Long integer The custom start time of the trend span in case TrendingSpanType is set to Custom.
utcCustomEndTime Long integer The custom end time of the trend span in case TrendingSpanType is set to Custom.


Item Format Description
GetTrendStatisticsForServiceResult Array of DMATrendDataStatisticsService A list of the parameters that have trending enabled within the specified service, with their trend statistics.