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DataMiner Cube Feature Release 10.3.12


For known issues with this version, refer to Known issues.


New features

Alarm templates: Configuration of behavioral anomaly alarms [ID 37148] [ID 37171] [ID 37670]

Up to now, the behavioral anomaly detection feature only allowed users to have alarms generated instead of suggestion events, depending on the parameter and the type of anomaly. From now on, when configuring an alarm template, users will have more options to specify what should happen when behavioral anomalies are detected.

For example, it is now possible to make a distinction between upward and downward behavioral changes (e.g. an upward spike or a downward spike). For example, you can request to have alarms only for upward level shifts and not for downward level shifts. However, in that case, it would still be possible to have suggestions for downward level shifts. Also, you can now fine-tune and decide to have an upward level shift alarm only when the level shift rises more than 10 (i.e. an absolute threshold of 10) or more than 10 percent of the current value (i.e. a relative threshold of 10).

To configure the behavioral anomaly detection for a particular (numeric) parameter, do the following:

  1. Open the alarm template in the Protocols & Templates app.

  2. In the right-most column of the parameter in question, click the Anomalies button to open the Anomaly alarm settings window.

  3. In the Anomaly alarm settings window, optionally open the Select preset selection box, and select one of the following options:

    • "All disabled" (i.e. no anomaly alarms)
    • "All smart" (i.e. anomaly monitoring as it existed up to now)
  4. Below the selection box, if necessary, you can fine-tune the configuration by specifying how anomaly monitoring should react to anomalies of type level shift, outlier, variance change, trend change and/or flatline.

  5. Click Close to exit the Anomaly alarm settings window.


    Closing this window does not yet save the changes you made in this window.

  6. Back in the alarm template editor, click OK or Apply to save the changes you made.


    The Anomalies button in the right-most column of the parameter in question will indicate the level of anomaly monitoring that has been configured:

    • "Disabled" (i.e. no anomaly alarms)
    • "Customized" (i.e. the new customized anomaly monitoring)
    • "Smart" (i.e. anomaly monitoring as it existed up to now).
  • It is not possible to have both a suggestion event and an alarm generated for the same issue. However, it is possible to have suggestion events generated for e.g. downward level shifts, even if downward level shifts are disabled in the Anomaly alarm settings window.
  • Any settings configured in the Anomaly alarm settings window will only affect parameters that are being trended.



Up to now, when you opened a trend graph showing data from several parameters, only the trend patterns of the first parameter would be loaded onto the graph. From now on, the trend patterns of all parameters shown on the graph will be loaded.

The SLAnalytics feature "pattern matching" has now fully been integrated in the Trending module.

System Center: New rule with regard to adding agents to a cluster [ID 37075]

Up to now, it was possible to have a DataMiner System in which some DMAs had been added by IP address while other DMAs had been added by hostname. As this could potentially lead to problems, especially in DataMiner Systems that include Failover pairs, the following rule has now been introduced:

  • If the cluster includes any Failover pairs with shared hostname or any DMA with a hostname in its IP address field:

    • Allowed to add DMAs either by hostname or by IP address.
    • Allowed to create Failover pairs with shared hostname only.
  • If the cluster includes any Failover pairs with virtual IP addresses:

    • Allowed to add DMAs IP address only.
    • Allowed to create Failover pairs with virtual IP addresses only.
  • In all other cases:

    • Allowed to add DMAs either by hostname or by IP address.
    • Allowed to create Failover pairs with shared hostname or with virtual IP addresses.

Interactive Automation scripts: FileSelector now allows to keep the files that were already uploaded after the UI was shown [ID 37260]

Unlike other UI block types, FileSelector does not allow setting an InitialValue. However, from now on, during an interactive Automation script session, it is possible to keep the files that were already uploaded after the UI was shown.

When an interactive Automation script is executed in Cube, the UI block needs to keep the same DestVar within the session. If there is no file selector block with the same DestVar when the UI is shown again, the information about the uploaded files is lost.

See also DataMiner web apps Feature Release 10.3.12

Alarm Console: Button to show focused alarms now shows the number of focused alarms [ID 37455]

From now on, the button to only show the focused alarms in the current alarm tab will show the number of focused alarms in the current alarm tab and will only be visible when the alarm tab actually contains focused alarms.

Surveyor: Enhanced processing of alarm statistics [ID 37552]

In the Surveyor, statistical alarm data can be displayed next to elements, services and views. A number of enhancements have now been made to enhance the processing of those alarm statistics.

Caching enhancements [ID 37553]

A number of general enhancements have been made with regard to cache management.

DataMiner Cube - Spectrum Analysis: RBW and VBW settings can now be modified by means of plus and minus buttons [ID 37601]

In the View tab of a spectrum card, you can change the RBW (Resolution bandwidth) and VBW (Video bandwidth) settings.

Up to now, these could be modified by means of a drop-down box. From now on, they can be modified by means of "+" (plus) and "-" (minus) buttons.

DataMiner Cube - Spectrum Analysis: New marker button 'Center to marker frequency' [ID 37705]

In the View tab of a spectrum card, up to now, each marker listed in the Markers section had two buttons next to it: an Edit button (i.e. a pencil icon) and a Delete button (i.e. a cross icon). A Center to marker frequency button has now been added. Clicking this button will set the center frequency to the frequency of the marker in question.

Also, the three buttons will now show a tooltip when you hover over them.


When you panned a trend graph, in some cases, the graph would suddenly disappear.


From now on, trending errors will also be logged in the main Cube logging (System Center > Logging).

Alarm Console: Alarm tab filter would not be re-evaluated when the focus score of an alarm was updated [ID 37475]

When an alarm in a filtered alarm tab received a focus score update, the system would incorrectly not re-evaluate whether that alarm still matched the filter that was applied.

Alarm Console: Display issues when a correlation alarm was based on another correlation alarm [ID 37497]

When a correlation rule was based on another correlation rule, display issues could occur in the Alarm Console.

When the main correlation alarm got cleared, the base alarm would no longer be shown in the alarm tab, and when the base alarm got updated, it would be shown twice: once as the source of the other correlation alarm and once as a regular alarm.

Problem when trying to display broadcast messages while being used as a service [ID 37524]

When Cube tried to display a broadcast message it had received from the DataMiner Agent while being used as a service by SLHelper, an error could occur in the latter.

From now on, Cube will disregard broadcast messages while being used as a service (e.g. when displaying a visual overview on a mobile device).

Spectrum Analysis: Problem when making changes to a spectrum monitor [ID 37542]

When you create a spectrum monitor, you can define a parameter and select a number of measurement points. Each combination of a parameter and a measurement point then is assigned an ID.

Up to now, when you made a change to a spectrum monitor, in some cases, the ID of certain parameter/measurement point combinations could change even when the parameter or the measurement points had not been changed.

Alarm Console: Problem when changing the alignment of an alarm property column [ID 37574]

When, in the Alarm Console, you add a column showing an alarm property you are allowed to edit, all cells in that column will display a pencil icon you can click to update a particular value.

Up to now, when you changed the alignment of such a column, the pencil icons would disappear and the new alignment would not be applied. From now on, when you change the alignment of a column showing an alarm property you are allowed to edit, the new alignment will be applied correctly and the pencil icons will stay visible. However, regardless of the alignment, the pencil icons will stay on the left, and when you change a value, the text box will also be aligned to the left.

Alarm Console: Text-to-speech button would overlap the counter showing the number of alarms with severity 'Suggestion' [ID 37590]

In the footer of the Alarm Console, the button to cancel the current text-to-speech operation would overlap the counter showing the number of alarms with severity "Suggestion" in the current alarm tab.

Alarm Console: Focus score would not be updated correctly when an alarm was duplicated [ID 37600]

When, in the Alarm Console, an alarm was duplicated, in some cases, its focus score would not be updated correctly.

DataMiner Cube - Relation learning: Problem when checking ModelHost DxM license [ID 37653]

In some cases, DataMiner Cube could become unresponsive when checking the ModelHost DxM license.

DataMiner Cube: Problem when parsing anomaly alarms [ID 37680]

When you opened DataMiner Cube or when you opened a new alarm tab, an error could occur when parsing anomaly alarms.

Alarm Console: Alarm tab listing all anomaly suggestions/alarms would incorrectly not include any outlier alarms [ID 37709]

When, in the top-right corner of the Alarm Console, you clicked the light bulb icon and then clicked the X anomalies were found in your trend data notification to open an alarm tab listing all anomaly suggestions/alarms, this tab would incorrectly not include any outlier alarms.