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DataMiner Cube Feature Release 10.4.11


For known issues with this version, refer to Known issues.


New features

Alarm Console - Behavioral anomaly detection: User feedback [ID 39480] [ID 39640] [ID 39666] [ID 39729] [ID 39809] [ID 39945]

In the Suggestion events and Anomalies tabs of the Alarm Console, a new column now allows you to give feedback on any of the listed anomalies.


This feature will only work when connected to a DataMiner Agent running at least main release 10.5.0 or feature release 10.4.11.

Thumbs up or thumbs down

In this new column, you can find two buttons to evaluate an anomaly:

  • a "thumbs up" button you can click to indicate that you like the anomaly, and
  • a "thumbs down" button you can click to indicate that you do not like the anomaly.

Any feedback users give will be used by the behavioral anomaly detection feature to tailor the anomaly detection on system level.

When you click one of the two buttons, it will be pinned in the column as a black icon, and if you change your mind, you can click the other one. Buttons that have not been clicked will stay hidden and will only be visible when you hover over the alarm or suggestion event. Also, you will only see the icons you have clicked yourself. You will not be able to see feedback given by other users.

Feedback given for active alarms will be saved in the user settings and will re-appear after closing Cube and opening it again. Feedback given for history alarms will disappear after restarting Cube. However, it will not be deleted. It will be used by SLAnalytics to improve the detection of future anomalies.


Instead of clicking the "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" button, you can also right-click the alarm or suggestion event and select Like or Dislike.

Taking action

When you click either the "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" button, in some cases, a light bulb icon will appear. In the context menu under that icon, you can then find the action you are suggested to take:

Action Description
Clear event When you select this action, the suggestion event will be cleared immediately. No confirmation box will appear.
Improve alarm template When you select this action, a pop-up window will appear, suggesting a number of alarm template changes.
These suggested changes, which will be based on all feedback that was given in the past for the parameter in question, should help you to configure the alarm template in such a way that you get to see the anomaly alarms you want to see.
At the bottom of the pop-up window, you will also see a list of elements using the same alarm template that will also be affected when you decide to make the suggested template changes.
A button will allow you to view the current anomaly template configuration.
Create alarm template When you select this action, a card will open, allowing you to create a new alarm template from scratch.

When you gave feedback on multiple alarms and/or suggestions related to the same parameter, an action will only be suggested for the last alarm or suggestion you gave feedback on.

  • The actions listed above will only appear if you are allowed to perform them. For example, the system will not suggest you update the alarm template if you are not allowed to do so.
  • The Improve alarm template and Create alarm template actions will not appear if the element in question has an alarm template group assigned.
Adding a feedback column to other alarm tabs

The new feedback column will only be visible by default in the Suggestion events and Anomalies tabs. If you want this column to also be visible in another alarm tab listing either alarms or suggestion events, do the following:

  1. Go to the alarm tab to which you want to add a feedback column.
  2. Right-click the column headers, and select Add or remove columns > Actions.
  • The "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" buttons will only be shown for alarm or suggestion events generated by the behavioral anomaly detection feature.
  • On systems that do not use either STaaS or dedicated clustered storage, the "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" buttons will not be shown in alarm tabs listing history alarms.



System Center - Logging: Additional log files available in DataMiner tab [ID 40676]

In the Logging section of System Center, a number of additional log files can now be consulted in the DataMiner tab:

  • App Package Installer
  • Cluster Transition Manager
  • Database Migration
  • SAML
  • Spectrum Manager
  • UI Provider

Adding or changing arguments in cube:// URLs of running Cube instances [ID 40795]

Up to now, whenever you entered a cube:// URL of a running Cube instance in a browser window, a new instance would be started. From now on, it will be possible to add or update the following arguments in a cube:// URL of Cube instance that is already running:

  • alarm=
  • app=
  • element=
  • service=
  • view=

For example, if you wanted to open an element named "Parameter Controls" in an open Cube that is connected to "", you could enter the following URL: cube://

  • If, instead of updating the arguments of an open Cube, you want to open a new Cube instance, then add the following additional argument to the URL: forcenewsession=true
  • For an overview of all DataMiner Cube arguments, see Arguments for DataMiner Cube


Visual Overview - DCF: Connection lines would not correctly connect the interfaces of dynamically positioned shapes [ID 40552]

When, in a visual overview, you used dynamic positioning with DCF in combination with dynamic placeholders, in some cases, the connection lines would not correctly connect the interfaces of the dynamically positioned shapes.

Services: Alarm color of a service card page would be incorrect when the service contained a partially included table of an element [ID 40597]

When you opened the card of a service that contained only part of a table of an element, in some cases, the alarm color of the card page would incorrectly reflect the alarm state of the entire table instead of the consolidated alarm state of the included rows.

Alarm Console: Problem when requesting history information events [ID 40646]

When you dragged an element onto the Alarm Console and requested the information events of e.g. the last hour, up to now, Cube would send two requests to the server: one to return the alarms and another to return the information events. Unfortunately, the request to return the alarms would always fail, causing the request to return the information events to not get executed. As a result, no information events would appear in the Alarm Console.

From now on, in the above-mentioned situation, only a request to return the information events will be sent to the server.

Problem when clearing an alarm after opening a visual overview containing AlarmSummary shapes [ID 40669]

After you had opened a visual overview containing AlarmSummary shapes while being connected to a DataMiner Agent running version 10.4.9, in some cases, DataMiner Cube could stop working due to an error occurring when an alarm was cleared.

Visual Overview: Spectrum measurement point linked to a card variable would incorrectly not be loaded [ID 40681]

When, in an embedded Spectrum Analysis component, you used an inline preset with a measurement point linked to a card variable, that measurement point would incorrectly not be loaded.

Router Control app: XML files sent to the DMA were encoded incorrectly [ID 40715]

When you make changes to Router Control configurations, those changes are sent to the DataMiner Agent in the form of an XML file.

Up to now, the XML declaration in that file did incorrectly not correspond to the encoding that was used (i.e. UTF-8). From now on, Router Control XML files sent from Cube to the DMA will be encoded in UTF-8 and will also have an XML declaration in which the encoding attribute is set to UTF-8.

Cube could leak memory each time you opened the 'Reports' page of a card [ID 40744]

DataMiner Cube could leak memory each time you opened the Reports page of a card.

Cards: Problem when opening a page containing a visual overview [ID 40756]

When you opened a card page that contained a visual overview, in some rare cases, the page could remain empty, showing a "Loading" message.

Home page: Multiple unnecessary lines would show up in 'Did you know?' list [ID 40775]

On Cube's home page, in some cases, multiple unnecessary lines would show up in the Did you know? list.

Information templates: A number of properties would not be copied when duplicating an information template parameter [ID 40799]

When an information template parameter was duplicated, a number of properties (e.g. Hide parameter, Part of snapshot) would incorrectly not be copied to the newly created duplicate.

In some rare cases, DataMiner could stop working while exporting trend data to a CSV file.

Visual Overview: Problem when subscribing to properties due to subscriptions incorrectly being case sensitive [ID 40878]

In some cases, problems could occur when subscribing to properties due to subscriptions incorrectly being case sensitive. From now on, property subscriptions will be case insensitive.

Alarm Console: 'NotSupportedException' errors would cause alarms to get stuck in alarm tabs [ID 41050]

In some cases, NotSupportedException errors would be added to the Cube logging, causing alarms to get stuck in alarm tabs, especially when a delay or a refresh rate had been specified.