Table of Contents

DataMiner Cube Feature Release 10.4.8


For known issues with this version, refer to Known issues.


For release notes for this release that are not related to DataMiner Cube, see General Feature Release 10.4.8.


New features

DataMiner Cube will now reflect all changes to user-defined APIs in real time [ID 39238]

DataMiner Cube now subscribes to the ApiTokenChangedEventMessage and the ApiDefinitionChangedEventMessage, which were introduced in DataMiner version 10.5.0/10.4.6. As a result, the User-Defined APIs section of System Center and the Automation module will now reflect all changes to user-defined APIs in real time.

Enabling or disabling SLAnalytics features either system-wide or for specific parameters [ID 39692]

The following SLAnalytics features can now be enabled either system-wide or for specific parameters.

  • Trend icons
  • Behavioral anomaly detection
  • Proactive cap detection

To configure for which parameters those features are enabled, do the following:

  1. In System Center > System settings > Analytics config, configure the Enabled and Run on trended parameters by default settings for each of the above-mentioned features.

    Trend icons

    Enabled Run on trended parameters by default Result
    False - Trend icons are not displayed for any parameters.
    True True Trend icons are generated by default for all trended numeric parameters.
    In the trend template, this setting can be overridden for specific parameters. See below.
    True False Trend icons are disabled system-wide, except for trended parameters of which the Trend icons setting has explicitly been enabled in the trend template.

    Behavioral anomaly detection

    Enabled Run on trended parameters by default Result
    False - Behavioral anomaly detection is disabled.
    True True Behavioral anomaly detection is enabled by default for trended numeric parameters that are not part of partial tables.
    In the trend template, this setting can be overridden for specific parameters. See below.
    True False Behavioral anomaly detection is disabled system-wide, except for trended parameters of which the Anomalies setting has explicitly been enabled in the trend template.

    Proactive cap detection

    Enabled Run on trended parameters by default Result
    False - Proactive cap detection is disabled.
    True True Proactive cap detection is enabled by default for trended numeric parameters that are not part of partial tables and have explicitly specified value bounds.
    In the trend template, this setting can be overridden for specific parameters. See below.
    True False Proactive cap detection is disabled system-wide, except for trended parameters of which the Proactive alarms setting has explicitly been enabled in the trend template.
  2. In a trend template, the Trend icons, Anomalies and Proactive alarms settings of all parameters are by default set to "System default". This means that the settings configured in System Center > System settings > Analytics config will apply.

    However, if you want to override the settings configured in System Center > System settings > Analytics config for a specific trended parameter, set its Trend icons, Anomalies and/or Proactive alarms settings to either "On" or "Off".


    In the trend template editor, the Trend icons, Anomalies and/or Proactive alarms settings are only displayed when you click the cogwheel button and select the Allow Augmented Operations configuration option.

Visual Overview: New RegexMatch placeholder [ID 39763]

Next to the [RegexReplace:x,y,z] placeholder, you can now use the [RegexMatch:x,y,options] placeholder.

This new placeholder, which basically takes a regular expression and an input, will return the parts of the input that match the regular expression.

For example, [RegexMatch: [a-z], aBc] will return all the lowercase letters in the input, i.e. "ac".

When multiple matches are found within the input, by default, all matches will be concatenated and returned as one single string, without any separators.

  • If you want the matches to be separated, you can specify a separator.

    For example, [RegexMatch: [a-z], aBc, separator=%] will return "a%c".

  • If you do not want all matches to be concatenated, you can use the "index=" option to indicate the specific match you want to have returned.

    For example, [RegexMatch: [a-z], aBc, index=0] will return "a".

If the regular expression or the input includes the default separator (","), you can use the [sep:] placeholder to replace it by another one.

For example, in [RegexMatch:[sep:,$][a-z]$a,Bc$index=0$separator=%] the default separator has been replaced by "%".

  • If the regular expression or the input are empty, the placeholder will return an empty string.
  • The ']' character cannot be used as a separator.

Element cards: Documents page now supports subfolders [ID 39876]

On element/service level, it is now possible to use subfolders on the Documents page.



In the Cube logging, entries regarding known UI issues will now include a link to a page on where you can find more information about the issue in question.

Surveyor: Root view will always be expanded when no expanded views can be found in the user settings of the user [ID 39848]

When a user expands a view in the Surveyor, this is saved in the user settings of that user. That way, when a user logs in to DataMiner Cube, all views that were expanded the last time the user logged out will automatically be expanded again.

From now on, the root view will always be expanded when no expanded views can be found in the user settings of the user.

Some user permissions will no longer be visible when Cube is connected to a DaaS system [ID 39870]

When Cube is connected to a DaaS system, the following user permissions will no longer be visible:

  • Modules > System Configuration > Backup
  • Modules > System Configuration > Database > Configure local/general DB
  • Modules > System Configuration > Indexing engine
  • Modules > System Configuration > Tools > Allow access to query executor

System Center - Logging: Additional log files available in DataMiner tab [ID 39938]

In the Logging section of System Center, a number of additional log files can now be consulted in the DataMiner tab:


The DATA_API_MANAGER log file will only be available if the DataAPI soft-launch option is enabled.


Incorrect CubeHost: Unable to load assembly errors in Cube log files on client computers [ID 39767]

On client computers, up to now, incorrect CubeHost: Unable to load assembly errors mentioning the following DLL files would be added to the log files in the %LocalAppData%/Skyline/DataMiner/DataMinerCube/Logs folder:

  • Google.Protobuf
  • System.Buffers
  • System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource
  • System.Memory
  • System.Numerics.Vectors
  • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe

Visual Overview: Opening a visual overview containing an image could cause Cube to become unresponsive [ID 39770]

When you opened a visual overview that containing an image, in some cases, DataMiner Cube could become unresponsive.

Alarm Console: Problem when sorting alarms by the PollingIP column [ID 39804]

When, in the Alarm Console, you tried to sort alarms by the PollingIP column, Cube could throw an exception or even stop working when that column contained IP addresses starting with "http://" or "https://".

Visual Overview: Show/hide condition would not be evaluated correctly when the Show data field contained a placeholder that included a DataMinerTime placeholder [ID 39833]

When a shape was configured to be shown or hidden depending on the value of a placeholder that included a [DataMinerTime] placeholder, in some cases, the show/hide condition would not be evaluated correctly.

In DataMiner Cube, there are two places where you can find a link to your DMA's root page (e.g. https://myDMA/root/):

  • the DataMiner web apps link on the Cube home page, and
  • the Open DataMiner web apps link on the user menu.

Up to now, when you clicked one of those links when using a STaaS or DaaS system, an ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error would be returned.

URLs pointing to the DataMiner Agent to which Cube was connected via gRPC would contain an incorrect hostname [ID 39851]

When Cube was connected to a DataMiner Agent via a gRPC connection, in some cases, the URLs of e.g. log files would contain an incorrect hostname, making it impossible to retrieve those files from the DataMiner Agent.

Documents: Issues fixed [ID 39876]

With regard to document management, the following issues have been fixed:

  • When you uploaded element documents that were larger than 64 kB, in some cases, they would get corrupted.
  • It is now possible to download element documents while being connected to the hosting agent.
  • In the Documents app, in some cases, you would incorrectly be able to see documents of elements to which you did not have access.