Table of Contents

General Feature Release 10.4.10


For known issues with this version, refer to Known issues.


When downgrading from DataMiner Feature Release version 10.3.8 (or higher) to DataMiner Feature Release version 10.3.4, 10.3.5, 10.3.6 or 10.3.7, an extra manual step has to be performed. For more information, see Downgrading a DMS.


New features

Failover: New SLNettypes message to check whether Pcap is installed on a DataMiner Agent [ID 40257]

From now on, the new SLNettypes message PcapInfoRequestMessage can be used to check whether Pcap is installed on a DataMiner Agent.

The response message PcapInfoResponseMessage contains a property called Info of type PcapInfo.

The Info object has the following properties:

Property Type Possible values
WinPcapDetection PcapDetectionType - PcapDetected: WinPcap is installed.
- NoPcapDetected: WinPcap is not installed.
- Undefined: A problem might have occurred. For more information, open the SLNet.txt log file, and look for entries containing the keyword "PcapDetector".
NpcapDetection PcapDetectionType - PcapDetected:Npcap is installed.
- NoPcapDetected:Npcap is not installed.
- Undefined: A problem might have occurred. For more information, open the SLNet.txt log file, and look for entries containing the keyword "PcapDetector".
  • The PcapInfoRequestMessage will normally be sent from DataMiner Cube to the DataMiner Agent to which it is connected when the user opens the Failover Config window. Only users who have been granted the Modules > System configuration > Agents > Configure Failover permission are allowed to send this message. When you do not have this permission, an error message will appear.
  • See also RN 40267

Protocols: Newly installed connector will automatically be promoted to production version [ID 40291]

Up to now, after you had installed a connector for the first time, you typically had to promote it to "production version" afterwards. From now on, when you install a connector for the first time, DataMiner will automatically promote it to "production version" and add the following entry to the SLNet.txt log file:

Initial upload of protocol '{protocolName}'. Version '{protocolVersion}' will be automatically set as production.

For example, when I install MyConnector for the first time, it will automatically be promoted to "production version", but when I later deploy MyConnector, version will remain the production version.

A connector will only be promoted to "production version" if its first version is installed/uploaded in one of the following ways:

  • When it is published from within DataMiner Integration Studio (DIS).
  • When it is deployed from the DataMiner Catalog.
  • When its .dmprotocol file is uploaded from the Protocols & Templates app in DataMiner Cube.

When you install the first version of a connector by uploading its protocol.xml file from the Protocols & Templates app in DataMiner Cube (instead of its .dmprotocol file), the connector will not be automatically promoted to "production version".



BPA test 'Check Antivirus DLLs' will now also check known antivirus file paths [ID 32567]

The Check Antivirus DLLs test will now also check the path of the loaded antivirus DLL files to check whether they were loaded from a known antivirus path.

This means that the test will now be able to report a fail when a new antivirus DLL file is added or when an existing antivirus DLL file is renamed, even when the file location remains the same.

Improved performance when alarm filters containing operators are used [ID 39732]

Alarm filters that contain the operators AND, OR, or NOT (without brackets) will now be translated to OpenSearch queries, which will improve the performance of these filters. This will for example lead to improved performance when filtering alarms on a specific element and on severity.

DataMiner upgrade: 'C:\Skyline Dataminer\Logging\FormatterExceptions' folder will now be emptied during the upgrade process [ID 39894]

The C:\Skyline Dataminer\Logging\FormatterExceptions folder will now be emptied each time a DataMiner upgrade is performed.

This folder is used by Skyline developers to keep track of serialization issues.

Correlation engine now supports separate alarm ID ranges per element [ID 40089]

The Correlation engine now supports separate alarm ID ranges per element.

Also, GetAlarmDetailsMessage and GetAlarmTreeDetailsMessage now support separate alarm ID ranges per element and take AlarmTreeID instances as input.

BPA tests will no longer be executed immediately after a DataMiner restart [ID 40201]

Up to now, all BPA tests would be executed immediately after DataMiner had been started.

From now on, the Report Active RTE test will be executed for the first time exactly 8 minutes after DataMiner has been started, and all other BPA tests will be executed between 10 and 60 minutes after DataMiner has been started.

Alarms: Enhanced performance when calculating baselines [ID 40298]

Because of a number of enhancements, overall performance has increased when calculating baselines.

Service & Resource Management: Enhanced synchronization of resources and resource pools between the SRM master agent and the other agents in a DataMiner System [ID 40389]

A number of enhancements have been made with regard to the synchronization of resources and resource pools between the SRM master agent and the other agents in a DataMiner System. This should improve performance when creating resources on non-master agents.

New 'IsCloudConnected' message to check whether the DataMiner System is connected to [ID 40395]

From now on, you can check whether the DataMiner System is connected to by sending either a GetCCAGatewayGlobalStateRequest message or an IsCloudConnected message.

  • The IsCloudConnected message does not require any special user permissions.
  • The GetCCAGatewayGlobalStateRequest message did no longer require the Modules > System configuration > Cloud sharing/gateway > Connect to cloud/DCP user permission as from DataMiner feature version 10.4.9. From now on, this message will again require said permission.

DxMs upgraded to versions requiring .NET 8 [ID 40445]

All DxMs included in the DataMiner upgrade package have now been upgraded to versions requiring .NET 8.

SLAnalytics: Reduced memory usage [ID 40450]

Because of a number of enhancements, overall memory usage of SLAnalytics has been reduced.

Storage as a Service: Maximum page size can now be specified in queries sent to [ID 40477]

When a query was sent to, up to now, the maximum page size would always be set to 1000 (i.e. the default setting).

From now on, the maximum page size can be specified in the query. This will considerable enhance overall query performance.

SNMP traps can now be received from SNMP connections other than the main connection [ID 40511]

When SLSNMPManager received a trap, up to now, it would check whether the IP address of the trap matched the IP address of the main connection.

From now on, SLSNMPManager will check whether the IP address of the trap matches the IP address of any of the SNMP connections of the protocol that is being used by the element.


The IP address of a trap is either the source IP of the trap or the agentaddress binding (if the useAgentBinding communication option is being used).

SLNet: DataMiner Cube's Scheduler app will now support user access permissions to specific dashboard folders [ID 40550]

Because of a number of enhancements made to SLNet, DataMiner Cube's Scheduler app will now support user access permissions to specific dashboard folders.


Problem in SLDataMiner when redundancy groups were configured to switch based on connectivity [ID 40118]

When redundancy groups were configured to switch based on connectivity, it could occur that the signals sent to SLDataMiner contained duplicates. In a system with a heavy load, this could cause too many of these to be sent, which would cause a memory leak in the SLDataMiner process and eventually caused the process to crash.

Performance improvements have now been implemented to avoid sending duplicate signals and to better process the signals. A throttling mechanism has also been implemented: in case SLDataMiner detects that too many signals are being sent, the DCF calculation will be slowed down to allow the system to catch up. In the logging, this will be mentioned in SLConnectivity.txt like in the example below:

07/04 09:13:32.713|SLNet.exe|Log|INF|0|174|Received throttle request to slowdown DCF path calculation current value: 5000 ms

2024/07/04 09:15:34.019|SLNet.exe|Log|INF|0|172|Received stop throttle request to resume normal DCF path calculation current value: 1000 ms

07/04 09:13:32.713|SLNet.exe|Log|INF|0|174|Received throttle request to slowdown DCF path calculation current value: 5000 ms

2024/07/04 09:16:29.462|SLNet.exe|Log|INF|0|175|Received throttle request to slowdown DCF path calculation current value: 25000 ms

2024/07/04 09:22:51.732|SLNet.exe|Log|INF|0|54|Received stop throttle request to resume normal DCF path calculation current value: 1000 ms

Changes implemented with parameter-specific template editors not saved correctly [ID 40125]

When you changed the alarm or trend template for a table parameter (e.g. by going to the templates tab on the parameter card), it could occur that the wrong line from the template was edited. For example, if a template contained exactly one line for a column in a table, and that line was configured with the filter "SL*", the parameter template editor would show the configuration corresponding to the line in the template with the filter even if that line was not applicable for the current cell. Now, instead an empty template configuration will be shown, corresponding to the filter "*". When you edit and save this configuration, a new line with filter "*" will be added to the template.

In addition, when there were two or more lines in the trend template for a table parameter, but none were applicable for the current cell for which you edited the trend template, the parameter template editor would show and create a new line in the template corresponding to an empty filter, instead of to the filter "*". This has now also been fixed.

Finally, if you changed the information template for a parameter, and the information template did not contain a line for the current parameter, the ID was not saved correctly. In addition, for table parameters, a line with an empty filter would be saved, instead of the filter "*".

Problem in SLProtocol because virtual primary element behaved like regular element [ID 40321]

Because of a race condition, it could occur that a virtual primary element in a redundancy group behaved as if it were a regular DataMiner element. This could cause a run-time error in the SLProtocol process and could eventually cause the process to crash.

DELT import failed if element name contained curly bracket [ID 40330]

When an element name contained a curly bracket ("{" or "}"), exporting the element to a .dmimport package or importing it from such a package failed.

Problem with SLProtocol when using a timer to perform 'SNMP Get' operations [ID 40402]

When using a timer to perform SNMP Get operations on all rows in a table, you have two options:

  • the thread pool option (which you activate by specifying the threadPool keyword), or
  • the default logic (which you activate by not specifying the threadPool keyword).

When the default logic was used, up to now, when you stopped an element before the SNMP Get operations were completed, resources that were still required would incorrectly be cleaned up, leading to the SLProtocol process being stopped.

In order to remedy this behavior, the DeInit method of the protocol object has now been updated. It will now always wait for the SNMP Get operations to finish before proceeding.

Also, up to now, the thread that handles the SNMP Get operations would not correctly catch exceptions, which resulted in no crashdump files being automatically generated when exceptions occurred. This made it difficult to diagnose the issue, as it required setting up a procdump and waiting for the issue to occur again.

Protocols: Problem when a response with a 'next param' and a 'fixed length' parameter did not have a trailer defined [ID 40430]

Up to now, when a response contained a parameter with a LengthType equal to "next param" and another parameter with a LengthType equal to "fixed" but no trailer, SLPort would incorrectly return the payload to SLProtocol as soon as it read at least the number of bytes that was configured in the fixed length parameter.

DataMiner root page 'default.asp' incorrectly still used XBAP URLs to open Cube [ID 40433]

Up to now, when defaultApp was set to "Cube" in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\Config.manual.asp, the DataMiner root page C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\default.asp would incorrectly still use deprecated XBAP URLs to open DataMiner Cube. It will now open DataMiner Cube using cube:// URLs instead.

For example, when defaultApp is set to "Cube" in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\Config.manual.asp, using the URL https://mydma/?element=12/76 will open DataMiner Cube, which will then immediately open an element card containing the specified element.


When defaultApp was set to "Cube" in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\Config.manual.asp, up to now, if you tried to open a link like https://mydma/?element=dmaID/elementID in Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on Microsoft Windows, the link would incorrectly be opened in the Monitoring app instead of DataMiner Cube. From now on, that link will correctly be opened in DataMiner Cube. Only if you open the link on a mobile device or an operating system other than Microsoft Windows (e.g. Linux, macOS, etc.), will it still be opened in the Monitoring app.

Cassandra Cluster Migrator: Problem when retrying an alarm migration [ID 40434]

When, using the Cassandra Cluster Migrator tool (SLCCMigrator.exe), you retried an alarm migration, the migration would immediately fail and go into a Cancelled state.

SLAnalytics - Pattern matching: Problem when a pattern was deleted on one DMA while it was being edited on another DMA [ID 40471]

In some rare cases, SLAnalytics could stop working when a pattern was deleted on one DMA while it was being edited on another DMA.

Cassandra Cluster Migrator: Problem when initializing a migration [ID 40476]

When the Cassandra Cluster Migrator tool (SLCCMigrator.exe) initialized a migration, SLDataGateway would stop writing alarms to the TimeTrace table. When the migration was subsequently aborted, data would be lost.

Service & Resource Management: Problem when a reservation instance property had been updated while the agents in the DMS were disconnected [ID 40484]

When a property of a reservation instance had been updated while the agents in the DMS were disconnected, in some cases, when the agents were connected again, an error could occur when another reservation instance property was updated.

Problem with SNMPv3 communication when the same device was polled with different credentials [ID 40502]

When two SNMPv3 interfaces pointing to the same device, either on the same element or on two different elements, were using different credentials, SNMP communication using one set of credentials would break as soon as an SNMP operation was executed using the other set of credentials. An element restart was required to get communication working again.

DataMiner Object Models: Not possible to create multiple DOM module subscriptions [ID 40508]

Up to now, when an attempt was made to create multiple DOM module subscriptions at a time, only the first subscription would be created.

From now on, it will be possible to create multiple DOM module subscriptions on one connection.

SLAnalytics - Alarm focus: Problem with time of arrival when clearing a focus event [ID 40509]

When a focus event was cleared because an element had been deleted, up to now, the time of arrival of the new focus event (i.e. the time at which the focus event had been cleared) would incorrectly be identical to the time of arrival of the focus event that had been cleared.

From now on, the time of arrival of the new focus event will instead be the current time (i.e. the time at which the element was deleted).

SLWatchdog would incorrectly create a new cleared alarm tree every minute after NATS was restarted [ID 40542]

Whenever NATS was restarted after having gone down, SLWatchdog would keep on creating a new cleared alarm tree every minute with the text "NATS is running". From now on, it will only create one single cleared alarm tree instead.