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DataMiner web apps Feature Release 10.5.1 – Preview


We are still working on this release. Some release notes may still be modified or moved to a later release. Check back soon for updates!


For release notes for this release that are not related to the web applications, see General Feature Release 10.5.1.


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New features

Low-Code Apps: New 'Set variable' action [ID 41253]

It is now possible to configure Set variable actions.

This type of action will allow users to set the current value of any variable that is not read-only to either a static value or a value available elsewhere in the low-code app.


Variables of type Table can only be set to a static value.

Low-Code Apps: New 'Add row' and 'Clear table' actions [ID 41324]

It is now possible to configure the following actions:

Action Function
Add row Adds a row to a variable of type Table.
Clear table Clears all rows defined in a variable of type Table.



Dashboards app: Enhanced performance [ID 41148]

Because of a number of enhancements with regard to file operations, overall performance has increased when working with the Dashboards app.

Dashboards/Low-Code Apps: Pickers have been made more consistent [ID 41251]

When you create a variable of type DOM instance, you will now have to click Apply or Cancel after selecting a DOM instance.

In addition, the Link to data pickers have now been made more consistent. The Apply button has been renamed to Link, and will only be clickable when a valid link has been configured. Also, when you edit a link, an Unlink button will allow you to remove the link.

Web apps: Users will be redirected to the login screen when the connection cannot be restored [ID 41334]

From now on, when the WebSocket is able to reconnect but the connection itself cannot be restored, users will be redirected to the login screen.


Dashboards/Low-Code Apps: Labels of lazy-loaded data would incorrectly not be displayed in edit mode [ID 41189]

When you were editing a dashboard or a page or a panel of a low-code app, the labels of lazy-loaded data would incorrectly not be displayed.

Legacy Reporter would leak memory when requesting history alarms [ID 41247]

Up to now, the legacy Reporter (SLASPConnection) would leak memory on every DataMiner Agent in the DMS when requesting history alarms.

Dashboards/Low-Code Apps - Alarm table component: Time filter would be disregarded when fetching history alarms [ID 41249]

When an Alarm table component was configured to retrieve history alarms, it would incorrectly always retrieve all history alarms from the database, regardless of what was specified in the time filter.

Dashboards/Low-Code Apps: Line & area chart component would incorrectly remain empty until it was resized [ID 41278]

In some cases, a Line & area chart component would incorrectly remain empty until it was resized.

Low-Code Apps: Problem when multiple users would continually refresh a page with a number of queries [ID 41316]

When multiple users would open a page containing a number of queries and then continually refreshed the page within a time frame of 5 minutes, in some cases, the following GQI exception could be thrown:

Maximum amount of concurrent sessions

To prevent this exception from being thrown, the above-mentioned time frame has now been reduced to 1 minute.

Dashboards app: Not possible to generate a PDF report based on a dashboard containing empty components [ID 41317]

Up to now, it would incorrectly not be possible to generate a PDF report based on a dashboard that contained empty components.

Dashboards app - Button component: No pop-up message would appear when clicking a button linked to a parameter for which a warning message had been configured [ID 41344]

When you clicked the button of a Button component linked to a button parameter for which a warning message had been configured in the protocol.xml file, no pop-up message would appear.

For more information on how to configure a warning message to be displayed when users change a parameter value, see Message element.


In the Dashboards app, the Button component is available in soft launch, if the soft-launch option ReportsAndDashboardsButton is enabled.

Dashboards app: Variables and flows eligible to be dropped as data, filter or group would incorrectly not be highlighted in the 'Data' pane [ID 41367]

When, while editing a dashboard, you clicked a component's Data, Filter or Group button, variables and flows eligible to be dropped as data, filter or group would incorrectly not be highlighted in the Data pane.