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EPM Integrated DOCSIS upgrade

When you have upgraded the EPM Solution, execute the following procedure:

  1. Go to the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Dashboards\EPM SOLUTION.

  2. In each JSON file in the folder:

    • Replace all occurrences of "Value": 738 with "Value": newDataMinerID.
    • Replace all occurrences of "Value": 1 with "Value": newElementID.
    • Replace all occurrences of "DataMinerID": 738 with "DataMinerID": newDataMinerID.
    • Replace all occurrences of "ElementID": 1 with "ElementID": newElementID.
    • Replace all occurrences of Parameter/738/1 with Parameter/newDataMinerID/newElementID.
    • Replace all occurrences of Element/738/1 with Element/newDataMinerID/newElementID.
  • newElementID is the element ID of the front-end element.
  • newDataMinerID is the DMA ID of the DataMiner Agent where the front-end (FE) element is located.
  • Currently, this procedure needs to be executed every time the EPM Solution is upgraded.