Actions that can be performed during an upgrade operation
In the UpdateContent.txt file, you can define a list of actions that have to be performed during an upgrade operation.
In addition, there can also be a file named StartUpActions.txt contained in the upgrade package, which can contain similar commands. In that case, UpdateContent.txt must contain an "Update Upgrades" command to unpack the StartUpActions.txt file to the correct Skyline DataMiner directory.
Action overview
SLEEP [x]: Sleep for x seconds:
Lock: Lock the service manager.
Unlock: Unlock the service manager.
Disable: Disable and stop the DataMiner services (except SLWatchdog).
Enable: Enable the DataMiner services. Also set the "Automatic startup" flags and descriptions.
Update [x]: Replace the files in subfolder "x" of C:\Skyline DataMiner by the files found the corresponding folder "x" of
Update Files
To replace the files in C:\Skyline DataMiner (i.e. the root folder), use:
Update Root
If you want to update a file in the Files or the Tools folder, first try to delete the file. If you get a "file in use" error, then add ".SLReplace" to the file name and schedule SLReplace to run at the end of the upgrade operation.
Register: Register the DataMiner services and DLLs using the command RegisterDLLs.bat /s.
Kill: Kill the running DataMiner processes.
Start: Start the DataMiner service.
IIS [Start|Stop]: Start or stop IIS:
IIS Start
InstallApp: Installs an application package from the specified path.
InstallApp ./Path/To/AppPackage/
- Application packages can only be installed on a DMA that is not stopped.
- For more information, see Application packages.
Delete: Try to delete all files listed in FilesToDelete.txt.
Delete [x]: Try to delete the specified file from the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Upgrades folder:
Delete file.exe
EXTRACT [x]: Extract the specified file and place its contents in the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Upgrades folder:
EXTRACT doThis.bat
Execute [x] [y]: Execute the file "y" and wait for max. "x" seconds.
The file "y" has to be located in one of the following folders:
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Upgrades
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files
Execute 60 doThis.bat
JS [x] [y]: Execute the JavaScript file "y" using the command cscript.exe /b /nologo and wait for max. "x" seconds.
The file "y" has to be located in one of the following folders:
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Upgrades
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files
JS 60 ConfigureIIS.js
PS [scriptname] [flag]: Executes the specified PowerShell script. The flag is optional and can be used in the same way as when you call a PowerShell script from the command console. The script name must include the script extension, e.g. ".ps1". The script must be located in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools.
For example:
PS MyScript.ps1 -flag 20
Sets one of the following options:
Command Description KillIE Kill all iexplore processes. NODELAYEDSTART Remove "Delayed start" option from SLDataMiner service. EXTRACTALL Replace all files. NOROLLBACK Do not create a rollback package. REBOOT Reboot the DataMiner Agent machine at the end of the upgrade operation. SKIPSNMP Keep the Windows SNMP service active. SetOption KillIE
UpgradeDB: Upgrades the DataMiner database.
UpgradeDataMinerTaskBarUtility: Upgrades the SLTaskBarUtility program.
ExecuteUpgrade [x]: Executes an upgrade "subroutine".
When "x" is ... then ... a name of an upgrade package that particular upgrade package is executed. LASTROLLBACK the last rollback package is executed. ExecuteUpgrade
The package has to be a full upgrade package, including SLUpgrade.dll etc.
AddRollbackAction [x]: Adds an extra action to the rollback package
Example of an UpdateContent.txt file
IIS Stop
Update Files
Update WebPages
Update Tools
Update Root
Update ProtocolScripts
Update Protocols
Update MIBs
Update Backup
Update Users
Update Views
Update Upgrades
js 300 SetNtfsPermissions.js
js 600 ConfigureIIS.js
Execute 60 DMAEventLogCreator.exe
IIS Start
Action overview
Sync "filepath": Use this command to synchronize a file across the entire DMS cluster. This includes new DMAs that may be created in the future. This option is ideal for assemblies (WFM) and for Visio files, as it automatically invalidates the client cache.
UploadDataMinerProtocol "filepath": Use this command to embed .dmprotocol files in the upgrade package and upload and process them during DataMiner startup. Make sure that the specified file path is accessible for DataMiner, as otherwise the action cannot be performed.
SetAsProduction "[ProtocolName][ProtocolVersion]": Use this command to set the particular protocol version as production version.
When a protocol linked to WFM assemblies is set to production, those assemblies are also copied to the production folder and synchronized throughout the DataMiner System.
StartElement "[ElementName]": Use this command to automatically start an element after the upgrade.
Example of a StartUpActions.txt file
Sync "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Protocols\Visio_files\"
Sync "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Protocols\WFMConcept\\TestAssembly.dll"
SetAsProduction "WFMConcept\"
UploadDataMinerProtocol "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Protocols\Concept - Assemblies_1.0.0.0.dmprotocol"