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View Recursive Loops

Prior to DataMiner 10.4.12/10.5.0, this BPA test is called "View Recursion".

This BPA will check the Views.xml file to see if any loops are present.

This BPA test is available on demand. From DataMiner 10.1.0 [CU4]/10.1.7 up to DataMiner 10.4.11/10.4.0 [CU9], it is available in System Center.


  • Name: View Recursive Loops
  • Description: Checks if there are loops in Views.xml
  • Author: Skyline Communications
  • Default schedule: None



No loops detected

No loops were found in the Views.xml file.


<number_of_loops> loop(s) detected in Views.xml

One or more loops were detected. The detailed results will contain the tree structure for each of the loops.

Not Executed

An error occurred running the test: <error_Message>

An unexpected error occurred, preventing the test from running. Please check the detailed results for more info.

Impact when issues detected

  • Impact: Unexpected behavior regarding views will occur, leading to crashes
  • Corrective Action: Edit Views.xml to remove the loop