Table of Contents

Structure of the offload database

alarm table

The sequential list of alarms generated by the DataMiner System.

Field Type Null Key Description
Id bigint(20) No Primary ID of the alarm table entry.
DmaId int(11) No Primary DataMiner ID
EId int(11) No Element ID
PId int(11) No Parameter ID
PREVKey int(11) No ID of the previous alarm in the alarm tree. In records representing the first alarm in an alarm tree, this field will contain 0.
Value varchar(200) Yes Value of the alarm.
Severity smallint(6) No A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the severity of the alarm.
See slenumvalues table.
SeverityLevel smallint(6) Yes A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the range of the alarm (for analog parameters only):
- 6 (High)
- 7 (Low)
For parameters other than analog, this field will be set to 5 (Normal).
See slenumvalues table.
Toa datetime No Multiple Date/time at which the alarm appeared in the DataMiner System.
Type smallint(6) No A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the type of alarm:
- 10 (New alarm)
- 11 (Cleared)
- 8 (Escalated)
- 40 (Service impact changed)
- ...
See slenumvalues table.
Owner varchar(25) Yes User who has taken ownership of the alarm.
Status smallint(6) No A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the status of the alarm:
- 12 (Open)
- 11 (Cleared)
- 25 (Mask)
- 54 (Clearable)
- ...
See slenumvalues table.
UserComment mediumtext Yes Comment entered by a user.
Uploaded smallint(6) No Multiple Currently not used.
SourceId smallint(6) No Multiple A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the module that generated the alarm:
- 16 (DataMiner System)
- 23 (Correlation Engine)
- 30 (External)
- ...
See slenumvalues table.
UserStatus smallint(6) Yes A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the current ownership status:
- 18 (Not assigned)
- 19 (Acknowledged)
- 21 (Unresolved)
- ...
See slenumvalues table.
ROOTKey bigint(20) No Multiple The ID of the original alarm in the alarm’s history tree.
chIndex text Yes Multiple If the alarm is associated with a dynamic table parameter, this field will contain the display key of the table row.
IMPORTANT: If it concerns a dynamic table parameter with “advanced naming” enabled, then this field will contain the primary key instead of the display key.
rcaLevel int(11) Yes Multiple The proximity of the alarm to the root cause of the problem, i.e. the position of the alarm in the Root Cause Analysis connectivity chain.
chDisplayIndex text Yes If the alarm is associated with a cell of a dynamic table with “advanced naming” enabled, then this field will contain the display key.
chElement text Yes Element name
chParameter text Yes Parameter name and display key
chDisplayValue text Yes Value in text format.
Example: If, in case of a discrete parameter, Value is 0, then chDisplayValue could contain “False”, i.e. the meaning of that value in text format (as defined in the element protocol).
creationTime datetime Yes Date/time at which the alarm was generated.

alarm_property table

The properties (both general and custom) of the elements in an alarm state.

Field Type Null Key Description
AlarmId bigint(20) No Primary The ID of the original alarm in the alarm’s history tree.
DmaId int(11) No Primary DataMiner ID.
Name varchar(45) No Primary Name of the property.
Type smallint(6) No Primary A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the type of DataMiner item to which the property is linked.
- 44 (Element)
- 45 (Service)
- 46 (View)
- 49 (Alarm)
See slenumvalues table.
Value mediumtext Yes Value of the property.
ownerID varchar(255) No Primary The ID of the DataMiner item to which the property is linked (depending on Type):
- DmaID/ElementID
- DmaID/ServiceID
- View ID
- empty (in case Type is Alarm)
sequence smallint(5) unsigned Yes The sequence of the property in the list of properties linked to the alarm.

The links between the correlated alarms and the raw alarms that caused them.

Field Type Null Key Description
iBrainAlarm bigint(20) No Primary Alarm ID of the correlated alarm.
iBrainDmaId int(11) No Primary DataMiner ID of the DMA on which the correlated alarm was generated.
iRawAlarm bigint(20) No Primary Alarm ID of the base alarm.
iRawDmaID int(11) No Primary DataMiner ID of the DMA on which the base alarm was generated.

data table

The real-time trending data of all trended element parameters.

Field Type Null Key Description
iId bigint(20) No Primary Automatically incremented ID of the table entry.
iDmaID bigint(20) No Primary DMA ID.
iEid int(11) No Primary Element ID.
iPid int(11) No ID of the trended parameter.
chValue varchar(200) Yes Parameter value.
dtFirst datetime No Date/time at which this table entry was added to the database.
iStatus int(11) No Possible values:
- 0: The table entry contains normal real-time trend data without additional information.
- Negative value: Additional information that, in most cases, will be used to avoid an incorrect graphical representation of a parameter’s trend data when building trend graphs.
For a complete list of possible iStatus values, see iStatus values.
chOwner varchar(25) Yes Name of the user who last set the parameter.
chIndex text Yes If the trended parameter is a dynamic table parameter, then this field will contain the display key of the table row.
IMPORTANT: If it concerns a dynamic table with “advanced naming” enabled, then this field will contain the primary key instead of the display key.
elementName text Yes Element name
parameterName text Yes Parameter name and display key

The iStatus element statuses -1 up to -6 are only saved on element basis (i.e. where iPid = -1). For a complete list of possible iStatus values, see iStatus values.

dataavg table

The average trending data of all trended element parameters.

Field Type Null Key Description
iId bigint(20) No Primary Automatically incremented ID of the table entry.
iDmaID bigint(20) No Primary DMA ID.
iEid int(11) No Primary Element ID.
iPid int(11) No ID of the trended parameter.
avgValue varchar(200) Yes Calculated average value of the parameter during the last measurement interval. For a numeric parameter, this is the weighted average based on the values and on how long these were present in the time window, for a discrete or string parameter it is the value that was active for the longest time.
maxValue varchar(200) Yes Maximum value of the parameter during the last measurement interval. For a numeric parameter, this is the highest value that was monitored, for a discrete or string parameter it is the value that occurred the most often.
minValue varchar(200) Yes Minimum value of the parameter during the last measurement interval. For a numeric parameter, this is the lowest value that was monitored, for a discrete or string parameter it is the percentage of time that the avgValue was active.
dtFirst datetime No Date/time at which this table entry was added to the database.
iStatus int(11) No Possible values:
- 5: The table entry contains average/max/min values calculated based on parameter values measured during the last 5 minutes.
- 60: The table entry contains average/max/min values calculated based on parameter values measured during the last 60 minutes.
- 120: The table entry contains average/max/min values calculated based on the parameter values measured during the last day.
- Negative value: Additional information that, in most cases, will be used to avoid an incorrect graphical representation of a parameter’s trend data when building trend graphs.
For a complete list of possible iStatus values, see iStatus values.
chIndex text Yes If the trended parameter is a dynamic table parameter, then this field will contain the display key of the table row.
IMPORTANT: If it concerns a dynamic table parameter with “advanced naming” enabled, then this field will contain the primary key instead of the display key.
elementName text Yes Element name
parameterName text Yes Parameter name and display key

The iStatus element statuses -1 up to -6 are only saved on element basis (i.e. where iPid = -1). For a complete list of possible iStatus values, see iStatus values.

info table

The list of information events generated by the DataMiner System.

Field Type Null Key Description
Id bigint(20) No Primary ID of the info table entry.
DmaId int(11) No Primary DataMiner ID
EId int(11) No Element ID
PId int(11) No Parameter ID
PREVKey int(11) No Not applicable in case of information events.
Value varchar(200) Yes Value of the information event.
Severity smallint(6) No The value 13 from the slenumvalues table: “Information”.
See slenumvalues table.
SeverityLevel smallint(6) Yes The value 5 from the slenumvalues table: “Normal”.
See slenumvalues table.
Toa datetime No Multiple Date/time at which the information event appeared in the DataMiner System.
Type smallint(6) No The value 10 from the slenumvalues table: “New Alarm”.
See slenumvalues table.
Owner varchar(25) Yes Not applicable in case of information events.
Status smallint(6) No The value 11 from the slenumvalues table: “Cleared”.
See slenumvalues table.
UserComment mediumtext Yes Not applicable in case of information events.
Uploaded smallint(6) No Currently not used.
SourceId smallint(6) No A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the module that generated the information event:
- 16 (DataMiner System)
- 23 (Correlation Engine)
- 30 (External)
- ...
See slenumvalues table.
UserStatus smallint(6) Yes A value from the slenumvalues table indicating the current ownership status:
- 18 (Not assigned)
- 19 (Acknowledged)
- 21 (Unresolved)
- ...
See slenumvalues table.
ROOTKey bigint(20) No Multiple Not applicable in case of information events.
chIndex text Yes Multiple If the information event is associated with a dynamic table parameter, this field will contain the display key of the table row.
IMPORTANT: If it concerns a dynamic table parameter with “advanced naming” enabled, then this field will contain the primary key instead of the display key.
rcaLevel int(11) Yes Multiple Not applicable in case of information events.
chDisplayIndex text Yes If the information event is associated with a cell of a dynamic table with “advanced naming” enabled, then this field will contain the display key.
chElement text Yes Element name
chParameter text Yes Parameter name and display key
chDisplayValue text Yes Value in text format.
Example: If, in case of a discrete parameter, Value is 0, then chDisplayValue could contain “False”, i.e. the meaning of that value in text format (as defined in the element protocol).
creationTime datetime Yes Date/time at which the information event was generated.

interface_alarm table

The links between alarms on interfaces and those interfaces.

Field Type Null Key Description
iIID int No Primary Interface ID
iIIDDMA int No Primary Interface DataMiner ID
iAlarm bigint No Primary Alarm ID
iAlarmDMA int No Alarm DataMiner ID
chInterfaceName text Yes Interface name

service_alarm table

The links between alarms contained in services and those services.

Field Type Null Key Description
iSID int(11) No Primary Service ID
iSIDDMA int(11) No Primary DataMiner ID of the DMA hosting the service.
iAlarm bigint(20) No Primary Alarm ID
iAlarmDMA int(11) No DataMiner ID of the DMA hosting the alarm.

slenumvalues table

A list of integer values and their respective meanings.

Field Type Null Key Description
Id smallint(6) No Primary Possible field value.
Value varchar(200) No Unique Meaning of the field value.

Default content

By default, this table is pre-populated with the following records. They contain all possible values that can be entered in specific fields throughout the offload database (e.g. alarm status, type of alarm property, etc.).

ID Status
1 Critical
2 Major
3 Minor
4 Warning
5 Normal
6 High
7 Low
8 Escalated
9 Dropped
10 New Alarm
11 Cleared
12 Open
13 Information
14 Mobile Gateway
15 Service Monitor
16 DataMiner System
17 Timeout
18 Not Assigned
19 Acknowledged
20 Resolved
21 Unresolved
22 Comment Added
23 Correlation Engine
24 Error
25 Mask
26 Automation Engine
27 Unmask
28 Notice
29 WatchDog
30 External
31 Dropped from Critical
32 Dropped from Major
33 Dropped from Minor
34 Dropped from Warning
35 Escalated from Warning
36 Escalated from Minor
37 Escalated from Major
38 Flipped
39 System Display
40 Service impact changed
41 Value changed
42 Name changed
43 RCA-level changed
44 Element
45 Service
46 View
47 Read-only
48 Read-write
49 Alarm
50 Properties changed
51 Protocol
52 Internal
53 Threshold changed
54 Clearable
55 Interface changed
56 Aggregation
57 Base alarms changed
58 DataMiner Analytics
59 Tickets changed
60 View info changed
61 Clustering engine
62 Suggestion
63 Suggestion engine
64 Virtual function impact changed

iStatus values

In the data and dataavg tables of a DataMiner database, the iStatus field of a trending record provides information about that particular record.

Apart from three positive values, the iStatus field can contain a number of negative values providing information that, in most cases, will be used to avoid an incorrect graphical representation of a parameter’s trend data when building trend graphs.

Value Description
120 In case of average trending: The table entry contains average/max/min values calculated based on the parameter values measured during the last day.
60 In case of average trending: The table entry contains average/max/min values calculated based on parameter values measured during the last 60 minutes.
5 In case of average trending: The table entry contains average/max/min values calculated based on parameter values measured during the last 5 minutes.
0 In case of real-time trending: The table entry contains normal real-time trend data without additional information.
-1 Element is starting up.
-2 Element is being paused.
-3 Element is being activated.
-4 Element is going into a timeout state.
-5 Element is coming out of a timeout state.
-6 Element is being stopped.
-7 A state and a display value (e.g. “No signal”) was received (separated by a semicolon).
-8 A normal value was received following a “-7”.
-9 Trending was started for the specified Parameter.
-10 Trending was stopped for the specified Parameter
-11 The parameter value was cleared.
-12 The parameter again received a value following a “-11”.
-13 The parameter value is the first value received for the parameter in question since the element was started.
-14 The parameter value is the first value received for the parameter in question since the element was started. However, that value is an exception value.
-15 A new row has been added to the dynamic table in question.
-16 A row has been deleted from the dynamic table in question.
-17 Monitoring has been activated.
-18 Monitoring has been deactivated.