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Testing alarm forwarding

  1. Open a telnet session.

  2. Connect to the TCP/IP socket that is specified in the <AlarmSocket> tag of the DataMiner.xml file.

You should receive a message similar to the following one:

---id: 202871 previous: 202868 root: 202868---
            -> Element (2) Philips IRD
            -> Parameter (176): Audio Output Level
            -> Alarm Type : Dropped
            -> Value: 12
            -> Severity: Minor High
            -> Status: Open
            -> Time: 2012/07/18 19:26:44
            -> Userstatus: Not Assigned

Only raw alarms are forwarded via TCP/IP sockets. Alarm messages generated by the DataMiner Correlation engine, for example, are not forwarded via TCP/IP sockets.