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General script configuration

In the General section of the details pane, general information and options can be configured for a script. To view the options, click the downwards arrow next to Show details.

To configure a script:

  1. In the text box next to Name, enter a new name for the script.

  2. In the text box next to Description, optionally enter extra information about the script.

  3. Expand the details section and select or deselect the following options as required:

    • Select Support back/forward buttons in interactive mode to add back and forward buttons in a dialog box asking for a user response.


      If you use this option in an Automation script that depends on C# code blocks, do not forget to also use the methods WasBack and WasForward. See WasBack and WasForward.

    • Select Do not fail when elements are not active or in timeout to keep a script from failing when it encounters an element that is not active or in timeout.

    • Select Write comments to log file to write any comments in the script in the Automation log file.


      This option will only work if Automation logging is enabled. See DataMiner logging.

    • Select C#: Return NULL instead of an exception upon a GetParameter of a non-initialized parameter to ensure no exception is thrown when an undefined or empty parameter is encountered in C# code. Null will be returned instead.