Table of Contents

Configuring the Excel file

Name of the Excel file

The name of the Excel file to provision the DOM definition and module needs to be in the following format:


Everything in front of the ^ is the module name, and everything after the ^ is the definition name. Spaces are not allowed in the name.

For example: Channels^IPTVchannel.xlsx

fields tab

In the fields tab, you should define all fields with their data type for the object regardless of the state, for example:

SectionName Name Type Default Values Tooltip Linked DOM Module Name Linked DOM Definition Name ResourcePool Filter View Filter
General information Name contact String
General information Role Enum Engineer/Operator/
Technical Director/
General information Experience Enum Junior/Senior/
General information Team Enum IT/DOCSIS/Video/
General information Street address String
General information City String
General information ZIP Int64
General information Country String
General information Email String
General information Cell phone number String

These are the columns in this tab:

  • Section Name: A section is a logical grouping of fields. Fill in the same section name for multiple fields if they belong in the same section.

  • Name: The name of the field. This is both the display name and the ID of the field.

  • Type: The data type of the DOM field, e.g. string, int, datetime, etc.

  • Default: Optional. This is the value that will be automatically entered in a field when a new record or instance is created. For example, in an address object, you can set the default value for the city field to "New York". When users add a record to the table, they can then either accept this value or enter the name of a different city.

  • Values: This column is only used for the Enum field type. This is where you can define the different Enum options.

  • Tooltip: Optional. A tooltip can be used to specify extra information about the field when the user moves the mouse pointer over it.

  • Linked DOM Module Name: This column is only used for DOM instance or multiple DOM instance field types. It specifies the module the field needs to point to.

  • Linked DOM definition Name: This column is only used for DOM instance or multiple DOM instance field types. It specifies which definition the field needs to point to, within the module that is defined in the previous column.

  • ResourcePool Filter: This is an optional column for the resource field type. It specifies an optional filter to filter out resources from a specific resource pool.

  • View Filter: This is an optional column for the element field type. It specifies an optional filter to filter out elements from a specific view.

form_stateName tab

For each possible state, you should have a corresponding tab titled form_stateName. For example, you could make a tab form_Not active and a tab form_Validated, each describing the following information for the different fields of the object in these respective states:

  • Name: The name of the field.

  • Visible: Determines whether the field should be shown for this state. Set this field to yes or no.

  • Read/write: Determines whether users will be able to edit the value of the field when the object is in this state. Set this field to read-write or read-only.

  • Required: Determines whether the field must be filled in or not for this state. Set this field to yes or no.

For example:

Name Visible Read/write Required
Name contact yes read-write yes
Role yes read-write yes
Experience yes read-write yes
Team yes read-write yes
Street address yes read-write no
City yes read-write no
ZIP yes read-write no
Country yes read-write no
Email yes read-write no
Cell phone number yes read-write no

states tab

The states tab describes all transitions that are possible between states.

In the example below, it is possible to go from the state Not active to Validated and from the state Validated to Not active.

Transitions Not active Validated
Not active no yes
Validated yes no

buttons tab

It is possible to add buttons to a DOM form that will trigger an Automation script to add custom logic or automation to your object. These are configured in this tab.

In the example below, two buttons are configured. The first is only shown when an object is in the Not active state, and the second is only shown in the Validated state. The Automation script gets the context of which button is selected, so you can combine all logic from your buttons in the same script.

Button Script Name Tooltip Not active Validated
Validate People DOM button script yes no
Set as not active People DOM button script no yes

events tab

Not only buttons can trigger an Automation script. You can also have a script triggered by each CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) action for an object. This is defined in the events tab.

For example:

Action Script Name
create People CRUD script
delete People CRUD script
update People CRUD script