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  • FieldValue type: string
  • FieldValue example: "MY_ID_154687"
  • Multiple values supported: ✖️
  • Available since: DataMiner 10.1.2/10.2.0
Type of Descriptor FieldType FieldValue type
Generates a unique incrementing integer with formatting options string string

Defines a DOM field that will automatically get an incremented value assigned. When a DomInstance does not have a value for this field yet, one will be assigned the next time the instance is updated. The IDFormat property is used to define a string format for the number value. In this string, "{0}" gets replaced by that number value. If the IDFormat property is empty, its value will not be formatted. When the field is marked as soft-deleted, no values will get assigned when a DomInstance gets saved.

Some examples, assuming the next value is 10:

Description Format Result
Add a prefix and postfix Pre-{0}-Post Pre-10-Post
Prefix with "REF-" and format the value REF-{0:000000} REF-000010
When no format is set, the value is stored 10

This descriptor type uses the IncrementManager to generate the next number. This manager ensures that there are no duplicate numbers across the DMS. As shown in the example below, you have the option to manually create a new incrementer, allowing you to customize the current number via the "Value" property. Manually creating the incrementer is not mandatory. When you assign a random Guid value to the AutomatIncrementID property, a new incrementer will be created when a value needs to be generated.


Using the AutoIncrementFieldDescriptor may affect performance when creating DomInstances because the incrementing system needs to synchronize with other Agents in the cluster. When high-performance create actions are required, we advise against using this FieldDescriptor type.

Defining the FieldDescriptor

var incrementHelper = new IncrementManagerHelper(_engine.SendSLNetMessages);
var incrementer = incrementHelper.AutoIncrementers.Create(new AutoIncrementer());

var descriptor = new AutoIncrementFieldDescriptor()
    ID = new FieldDescriptorID(Guid.NewGuid()),
    Name = "My ID field",
    FieldType = typeof(string),
    AutoIncrementerID = incrementer.ID,
    IDFormat = "Prefix_{0}_Suffix", // Optional

Adding a value for the FieldDescriptor

No value needs to be provided. A value will automatically be added to each section.