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  • FieldValue type: Guid
  • FieldValue example: 9ba9aa93-8208-4404-9778-6a9343ba8483 (ID of a DomInstance)
  • Multiple values supported: ✔️
  • Available since: DataMiner 10.1.10/10.2.0
Type of Descriptor FieldType FieldValue type
References a single DomInstance Guid Guid
References one or more DomInstances List<Guid> Guid (ListValueWrapper)

Defines a DOM field that references a DomInstance by storing the ID of that instance in the form of a Guid. This DomInstance can exist in a different DOM module if you set the ModuleID property to the ID of that module. There is also a DomDefinitionIds list property that can be used to define whether DomInstances should be linked to the defined definitions. Both properties are intended for UIs, and their validity and existence is not checked server-side. The configuration is similar to the DomInstanceValueFieldDescriptor.

Defining the FieldDescriptor

To enable multiple values, set the FieldType to List<Guid>.

var descriptor = new DomInstanceFieldDescriptor("my_referenced_module")
    ID = new FieldDescriptorID(Guid.NewGuid()),
    Name = "My DOM reference field",
    FieldType = typeof(Guid), 
    DomDefinitionIds = { domDefinitionId } // Optional

Adding a value for the FieldDescriptor

var instance = new DomInstance
    ID = new DomInstanceId(Guid.NewGuid()),
    DomDefinitionId = domDefinitionId

// Single value
var instanceId = Guid.Parse("8000971e-982a-2151-10a2-1803aa100359");
instance.AddOrUpdateFieldValue(sectionDefinitionId, fieldDescriptorId, instanceId);

// Multiple values
var firstInstanceId = Guid.Parse("755a424e-783f-466d-981e-8359fd0ca426");
var secondInstanceId = Guid.Parse("16da2b5d-6b43-4267-96ba-4abd5c16ee2b");
instance.AddOrUpdateListFieldValue(sectionDefinitionId, fieldDescriptorId, new List<Guid> { firstInstanceId, secondInstanceId });