Table of Contents

DomInstance object

A DomInstance object contains the Sections linked to the SectionDefinitions. These sections then contain a FieldValue for each FieldDescriptor defined in the SectionDefinitions.

Object relation diagram


The table below lists the properties of the DomInstance object. It also indicates whether a property can be used for filtering using the DomInstanceExposers.


From DataMiner 10.3.2/10.4.0 onwards, the DomInstance object also has the ITrackBase properties.

Property Type Filterable Description
ID DomInstanceId Yes The ID of the DomInstance.
DomDefinitionId DomDefinitionId Yes The ID of the DomDefinition that this instance is linked to.
Sections List<Section> Yes The Sections that contain the actual values for the FieldDescriptors wrapped in FieldValues
Name string Yes The name of the DomInstance, which is updated by the DomManager on every create or update action using the DomInstanceNameDefinition in the ModuleSettings or DomDefinition.
StatusId string Yes The ID of the current status of this DomInstance (if statuses are used).


To create or update a DomInstance:

  • The DomInstance must have a link to an existing DomDefinition.

  • The DomInstance must contain a valid Section for each SectionDefinitionLink defined on the linked DomDefinition (if that SectionDefinitionLink is not marked as optional or soft deleted).

  • The sections on the DomInstance must contain the correct number of FieldValues that also have the correct type.


When something goes wrong during the CRUD actions, the TraceData can contain one or more DomInstanceErrors. Below is a list of all possible ErrorReasons:

Reason Description
DomInstanceSectionInvalidFieldValueTypes Attempted to create or update a DomInstance with a FieldValue that does not match the type of its FieldDescriptor. Available properties: DomInstance, Section, FieldValue, FieldDescriptor
DomInstanceDoesNotContainAllRequiredFieldsForSectionDefinition The given DomInstance had a Section that did not contain a FieldValue for every non-optional FieldDescriptor of its SectionDefinition. Available properties: DomInstance, Section, FieldDescriptor. Empty list values are equivalent to not providing a FieldValue.
DomInstanceRequiresLinkToValidDomDefinition The DomInstance has no valid and/or existing DomDefinitionID configured. Available properties: DomInstance.
SectionsUsedInDomInstanceDoNotMatchRequirementsOfDomDefinition The DomInstance does not contain at least one Section for each SectionDefinition defined on the DomDefinition or contains Sections for SectionDefinitions that are not defined on that DomDefinition. Available properties: DomInstance, DomDefinition, MissingSections, InvalidSections
DomInstanceDoesNotContainRequiredModuleSections The DomInstance does not contain exactly one Section for each required SectionDefinition defined for this module. Available properties: DomInstance, MissingSections, InvalidSections
MultipleSectionsNotAllowedForSectionDefinition The DomInstance contains more than one Section for a SectionDefinition that does not allow multiple Sections according to either the SectionDefinitionLink or the DomStatusSectionDefinitionLink. Available properties: InvalidSections
ValueForSoftDeletedFieldNotAllowed Attempted to create or update a DomInstance with one or multiple field values that are part of a soft-deleted FieldDescriptor, SectionDefinitionLink, or StatusSectionDefinitionLink, or the DomInstance has a GenericEnumFieldDescriptor with a soft-deleted entry as value. Available properties: DomInstanceId, AssociatedFields.

The errors below are solely related to the status system. For each error, the DomInstanceId, DomInstanceName, and StatusId properties will be filled in alongside any others that are mentioned in the description.

Reason Description
DomInstanceContainsInvalidStatus The DomInstance contains a status ID that cannot be found on the linked DomBehaviorDefinition. StatusId contains the invalid status.
DomInstanceHasMissingRequiredFieldsForCurrentStatus The DomInstance does not contain all fields that are required for the status it is currently in (or transitioning to). AssociatedFields contains the SectionDefinitionID and FieldDescriptorID combos of the missing fields. Empty list values are equivalent to not providing a FieldValue.
DomInstanceHasInvalidFieldsForCurrentStatus The DomInstance contains fields that are required but are not valid according to at least one validator. If there are multiple values for the same SectionDefinition and FieldDescriptor, only one entry will be included. AssociatedFields contains the SectionDefinitionID and FieldDescriptorID combos of the invalid fields.
ReadOnlyFieldsChangedForCurrentStatus There is at least one FieldValue marked as read-only for the current status that was changed. AssociatedFields contains the SectionDefinitionID and FieldDescriptorID combos of the read-only fields that were changed.
DomInstanceContainsUnknownFieldsForCurrentStatus There is at least one FieldValue defined on the DomInstance for which no link could be found in the associated DomBehaviorDefinition for the current status. AssociatedFields contains the SectionDefinitionID and FieldDescriptorID combos of the unknown fields.
StatusChangeNotAllowedForNormalUpdate The status of the DomInstance was changed during a normal update request. It can only be updated by using the specific transition request.


  • It is possible to let DataMiner trigger a script when doing CRUD actions on a DomInstance. For more information, see ModuleSettings (ExecuteScriptOnDomInstanceActionSettings).

  • The Name property is updated by the DomManager. If you assign your own value, it will be overwritten when the DomInstance is saved.


Changes to the FieldValues are stored in HistoryChanges. For more information, see DOM history.