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GQI extensions logging

From DataMiner 10.4.5/10.5.0 onwards, ad hoc data sources and custom operators can log their own messages and exceptions within GQI, complementing the existing GQI core logging functionality (available from DataMiner 10.4.0/10.4.4).


For information about general GQI logging, see GQI logging.

Enabling logging

To enable logging, the GQI extension (either an ad hoc data source or a custom operator) must implement the IGQIOnInit interface.

This building block adds the OnInit life cycle method, granting access to the IGQILogger object through the Logger property of the OnInitInputArgs class.

Throughout its lifespan, the extension can use the IGQILogger methods to log messages and exceptions.


For a practical example, refer to Example below.

Log files

Log files are created for both types of extensions, each within their respective subfolders:

  • If the GQI DxM is used:

    • For ad hoc data sources: C:\ProgramData\Skyline Communications\DataMiner GQI\Logs\Ad hoc data sources

    • For custom operators: C:\ProgramData\Skyline Communications\DataMiner GQI\Logs\Custom operators

  • If GQI runs in the SLHelper process:

    • For ad hoc data sources: C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging\GQI\Ad hoc data sources

    • For custom operators: C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging\GQI\Custom operators

Log file names adhere to the following format: Script_Library_Type.txt.

Log messages

Log messages adhere to the following format:

[Timestamp Level] [Session] [Node] Message

By default, a log message consists of the following main parts:

  • Timestamp: The time of logging, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff.

  • Level: An abbreviation of the log level.

  • Session: An identifier for the current query session of the extension instance, useful for distinguishing logs from operators used in multiple, possibly concurrent query sessions.

  • Node: An identifier for the query node of the extension instance, useful for distinguishing logs from operators used more than once in the same query.

  • Message: Any message intended for logging by GQI or the extension.


[1993-02-21 12:34:56.789 WRN] [c6a3d4bf] [71ba5588] This is an important warning!

Whenever an extension instance accesses the logger property, the current GQI user is immediately logged as a separate log message, providing additional context that would otherwise not be available for individual log messages. Refer to the logs in the example to observe this behavior.


The following example showcases a custom operator that logs every cell value of a specified column.

using Skyline.DataMiner.Analytics.GenericInterface;

[GQIMetaData(Name = "Log cell values")]
public sealed class LogOperator : IGQIRowOperator, IGQIOnInit, IGQIInputArguments
    private readonly GQIColumnDropdownArgument _columnToLogArgument = new GQIColumnDropdownArgument("Column to log") { IsRequired = true };

    private IGQILogger _logger;
    private GQIColumn _columnToLog;

    public OnInitOutputArgs OnInit(OnInitInputArgs args)
        _logger = args.Logger;

        // Configure the logger to include logs for the 'Debug' level
        _logger.MinimumLogLevel = GQILogLevel.Debug;

        return default;

    public GQIArgument[] GetInputArguments()
        return new[] { _columnToLogArgument };

    public OnArgumentsProcessedOutputArgs OnArgumentsProcessed(OnArgumentsProcessedInputArgs args)
        _columnToLog = args.GetArgumentValue(_columnToLogArgument);

        // Log the name of the selected column
        _logger.Information($"Column to log: {_columnToLog.Name}");

        return default;

    public void HandleRow(GQIEditableRow row)
        var rowKey = row.Key;
        var cellValue = row.GetValue(_columnToLog.Name);

        // Log the cell value with the 'Debug' log level
        _logger.Debug($"Value for '{rowKey}' is '{cellValue}'");

Suppose a user named Kevin applies this operator to the following data:

Row key Color
1 Alizarin
2 Burgundy
3 Carmine

Kevin selects the Color column as the argument.

He can now access the relevant log messages in the ExampleScript_ExampleLibrary_LogOperator.txt file, located in the C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging\GQI\Custom operators directory.

[2024-04-22 10:19:13.143 INF] [c6a3d4bf] [71ba5588] Logs for user Kevin
[2024-04-22 10:19:13.143 INF] [c6a3d4bf] [71ba5588] Column to log: Color
[2024-04-22 10:19:13.184 DBG] [c6a3d4bf] [71ba5588] Value for '1' is 'Alizarin'
[2024-04-22 10:19:13.188 DBG] [c6a3d4bf] [71ba5588] Value for '2' is 'Burgundy'
[2024-04-22 10:19:13.189 DBG] [c6a3d4bf] [71ba5588] Value for '3' is 'Carmine'