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Get alarms

The Get alarms data source retrieves the alarms in the DataMiner System. Several columns, such as Element Name, Parameter Description, Value, and Time, are included by default. Other columns, such as Alarm ID and Root Alarm ID, can be added with a Select operation.


If your DataMiner System uses self-managed storage with Cassandra but without an indexing database, we recommend always adding filtering on Time, as this filters directly on the database. Otherwise, the SLDataGateway process will fetch all alarms and then apply the filtering, which might take a lot of resources.

The content of the Alarm ID and Root Alarm ID columns may differ depending on your DataMiner version:

Column From DataMiner 10.4.11/10.5.0 onwards Prior to DataMiner 10.4.11/10.5.0
Alarm ID DMAID/EID/RootAlarmID/AlarmID, e.g. 537/45/2184182/2184188 HostingDMAID/AlarmID, e.g. 537/2184188
Root Alarm ID DMAID/EID/RootAlarmID, e.g. 537/45/2184182 HostingDMAID/RootAlarmID, e.g. 537/2184182

In the table above, "DMAID" refers to the DataMiner ID of the DataMiner Agent where the element was originally created. "HostingDMAID" refers to the DataMiner ID of the DataMiner Agent currently hosting the element and managing its alarms. Most of the time, these two values will be the same, but they may differ, for example, when an element is exported from one Agent and imported onto another Agent. In this case, the element retains the original DMAID, but the HostingDMAID will reflect the new Agent's ID.