Table of Contents

Organizing the apps on the landing page in sections

It is possible to organize the apps on the Low-Code Apps landing page in different sections. However, at present this is only possibly by changing the configuration of the apps in JSON.

To do so:

  1. On the DMA, go to the app folder: C:\Skyline DataMiner\applications\[APP_ID]


    To find out which app ID corresponds with which low-code app, check the URL displayed in the browser when you open an app via the DataMiner landing page.

  2. Open the file

  3. Add the section names to the Sections array and save the file.

    For example:

       "Sections": [
          "My section 1",
          "My section 2"

From DataMiner 10.2.9/10.3.0 onwards, these different sections will also be displayed in the apps pane in DataMiner Cube.