Table of Contents


This component displays an uploaded image.

Image component in DataMiner 10.4.6

To configure this component:

  • In the Component > Settings pane, select the image you want to display in the Image drop-down list.

    This list shows all images available on the DMA. If the image you want is not yet in the list, you can upload it using the option Upload a new image below the drop-down list. The following image types are supported: PNG, JPEG, GIF, APNG, SVG and WEBP.

In the Component > Layout tab, the following options can be configured:

  • The default options available for all components. See Customizing the component layout.

  • Image size: Can be set to:

    • Fit: Scales the image to the maximum possible size without stretching or cropping.

    • Fill: Scales the image to the maximum possible size without stretching.

    • Stretch: Scales the image to the maximum possible size without preserving the aspect ratio. If this option is picked, the alignment options below become unnecessary.

  • Horizontal alignment: Allows you to set the horizontal alignment of the image within the component to Left, Center or Right.

  • Vertical alignment: Allows you to set the vertical alignment of the image within the component to Top, Center or Bottom.