This component displays a block of static text.
Text component in DataMiner 10.4.5
To configure this component:
In the Component > Settings pane, add the text in the Text box.
From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU14]/10.4.0 [CU2]/10.4.5 onwards, you can link this component to data by dynamically referencing data in the text. However, note that the text is limited to 200,000 characters.
In the Component > Layout tab, the following options can be configured:
The default options available for all components. See Customizing the component layout.
Font: Allows you to select the font of the text.
Font size: Allows you to set the font size.
Bold/Italic/Underline: Select these text boxes to apply these formatting options.
Horizontal alignment: Allows you to set the horizontal alignment of the text to Left, Center or Right.