This component displays a webpage or a block of static HTML. It can also be used to display a video thumbnail.
Web component in DataMiner 10.4.5
Configuring the component
To configure the component as a webpage:
In the Component > Settings pane, set Type to Webpage.
In the URL box below this, specify the URL of the webpage.
From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU14]/10.4.0 [CU2]/10.4.5 onwards, you can link this component to a data by dynamically referencing data in the URL. However, note that the URL is limited to 2,000 characters.
To configure the component as a block of HTML:
In the Component > Settings pane, set Type to Custom HTML.
In the HTML box below this, add the HTML code.
From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU14]/10.4.0 [CU2]/10.4.5 onwards, you can link this component to data by dynamically referencing data in the HTML code. However, note that the HTML code is limited to 100,000 characters and HTML highlighting is disabled from 15,000 characters onwards. From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU14]/10.4.0 [CU2]/10.4.5 onwards, if the component is configured as a webpage, you can use the
placeholder to insert the current hostname and port in the URL.
In the Component > Layout pane, only the default options are available for this component. See Customizing the component layout.
This component does not allow the use of scripts, buttons or other input controls.
Configuring a video thumbnail
You can make a Web component display a video stream based on an image URL.
To do so, configure the URL similar to the value of the Link shape data field when you configure a video thumbnail in Visual Overview.