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Working with the jobs timeline

To access the jobs timeline, on the main page of the app, click the timeline icon in the top-right corner.

The timeline displays all jobs matching the currently configured time filter in the filter pane.

There are several ways to manipulate the timeline:

  • Click and drag with the right mouse button to pan the timeline.

  • Click and drag with the left mouse button to zoom in on the timeline.

  • Press Ctrl and scroll in order to zoom in or out on the timeline.

  • In case the timeline displays many jobs, use the scroll wheel to scroll through the timeline vertically.

  • Right-click on the timeline to mark a particular time with a red line.

  • Double-click with the left mouse button to jump to the present time on the timeline.

  • Click an item on the timeline to select it. To deselect it, keep Ctrl pressed while clicking the item.


    If items on the same height are very close to each other, they will be merged into one aggregated item. Clicking such an item will select all the items it combines.

In the lower right corner of the timeline, an arrow icon is displayed. Click this icon to display a preview pane, which also allows you to manipulate the timeline. The white area in this pane corresponds with the currently displayed timeline.

  • Click and drag with the left mouse button in the preview pane in order to move the white area to a different time.

  • The white area displays a lock icon. Click this icon to toggle between locked and unlocked mode. In locked mode, dragging causes the white area to remain in place while the timeline itself is moved. In unlocked mode, it is the white area that is moved across the timeline.