Table of Contents

SRM code snippets

Much of the functionality of the Service & Resource Management module makes use of Automation scripts.

This section contains a number of code snippets illustrating how such scripts can be made:

Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a resource

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace SRM.SRM_Resource_CRUD
 public class Script
 // The ResourceManagerHelper object we will be using to communicate with the ResourceManager Module. This is our API.
 private ResourceManagerHelper _helper;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Initialize the ResourceManagerHelper
 _helper = new ResourceManagerHelper();

 // Handling the RequestResponseEvent gives the ResourceManagerHelper connection with SLNet.
 // Any server call the Helper makes behind the scenes calls this method.
 _helper.RequestResponseEvent += (sender, args) =>
 args.responseMessage = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(args.requestMessage);

 var created = CreateResource();
 var retrieved = RetrieveResource(created.ID);
 var updated = UpdateResource(retrieved);

 private Resource CreateResource()
 var resource = new Resource("MyResource")
 MaxConcurrency = 6 // Resource can be used by 6 ReservationInstances simultaneously

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateResources(resource).FirstOrDefault();

 private Resource RetrieveResource(Guid id)
 var filter = ResourceExposers.ID.Equal(id);
 return _helper.GetResources(filter).FirstOrDefault();

 private Resource UpdateResource(Resource resource)
 // Let's assign an element to the resource
 resource.DmaID = 123;
 resource.ElementID = 456;

 // Reduce the maximum concurrency
 resource.MaxConcurrency = 2;

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateResources(resource).FirstOrDefault();

 private void DeleteResource(Resource resource)

Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a resource pool

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace SRM.SRM_ResourcePool_CRUD
 public class Script
 // The ResourceManagerHelper object we will be using to communicate with the ResourceManager Module. This is our API.
 private ResourceManagerHelper _helper;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Initialize the ResourceManagerHelper
 _helper = new ResourceManagerHelper();

 // Handling the RequestResponseEvent gives the ResourceManagerHelper connection with SLNet.
 // Any server call the Helper makes behind the scenes calls this method.
 _helper.RequestResponseEvent += (sender, args) =>
 args.responseMessage = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(args.requestMessage);

 var created = CreatePool();
 var retrieved = RetrievePool(created.ID);
 var updated = UpdatePool(retrieved);

 private ResourcePool CreatePool()
 var resourcePool = new ResourcePool()
 Description = "MyDescription",
 Name = "MyPool"

 resourcePool.Properties.Add(new ResourceManagerProperty("PropName", "PropValue"));

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateResourcePools(resourcePool).FirstOrDefault();

 private ResourcePool RetrievePool(Guid id)
 return _helper.GetResourcePools(new ResourcePool(id)).FirstOrDefault();

 private ResourcePool UpdatePool(ResourcePool resourcePool)
 // Make a Resource in the given ResourcePool

 // Add a property
 var property = new ResourceManagerProperty("SecondProp", "SecondValue");

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateResourcePools(resourcePool).FirstOrDefault();

 private void DeletePool(ResourcePool pool)

 private void CreateResourceInPool(Guid resourcePoolId)
 var resource = new Resource("MyResource")
 PoolGUIDs = new List<Guid> { resourcePoolId }


Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a booking instance

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ResourceManager.Objects;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Time;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace SRM.SRM_BookingInstance_CRUD
 public class Script
 // The ResourceManagerHelper object we will be using to communicate with the ResourceManager Module. This is our API.
 private ResourceManagerHelper _helper;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Initialize the ResourceManagerHelper
 _helper = new ResourceManagerHelper();

 // Handling the RequestResponseEvent gives the ResourceManagerHelper connection with SLNet.
 // Any server call the Helper makes behind the scenes calls this method.
 _helper.RequestResponseEvent += (sender, args) =>
 args.responseMessage = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(args.requestMessage);

 var created = CreateReservationInstance();
 var retrievedById = RetrieveReservationInstance(created.ID);
 var retrieveByTiming = RetrieveReservationInstance(created.Start, created.End);
 var updated = UpdateReservationInstance(retrievedById);

 private ReservationInstance CreateReservationInstance()
 // Determine the time slot in which we want the instance to run.
 // It should start in 5 minutes, be active for 2 hours after that and we specify
 // that the timezone of the DateTime object is in local time.
 var timeRange = new TimeRangeUtc(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), TimeSpan.FromHours(2), TimeZoneInfo.Local);
 var instance = new ReservationInstance(timeRange)
 Name = "MyInstance",

 // Status on 'Confirmed' => it will be scheduled and events will be triggered
 // Status on 'Pending' => it will be scheduled, but no events will be triggered
 Status = ReservationStatus.Confirmed

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateReservationInstances(instance).FirstOrDefault();

 private ReservationInstance RetrieveReservationInstance(Guid id)
 // Retrieve the ReservationInstance using its ID
 var filter = ReservationInstanceExposers.ID.Equal(id);
 return _helper.GetReservationInstances(filter).FirstOrDefault();

 private ReservationInstance RetrieveReservationInstance(DateTime start, DateTime end)
 // Retrieve the ReservationInstance using a time slot
 // We can merge filters by using the AND operator
 var filter = ReservationInstanceExposers.End.GreaterThan(start)

 return _helper.GetReservationInstances(filter).FirstOrDefault();

 private ReservationInstance UpdateReservationInstance(ReservationInstance instance)
 // Determine a new time range for the instance
 var timeRange = new TimeRangeUtc(DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), TimeSpan.FromHours(1), TimeZoneInfo.Local);
 var updated = instance.NewTimeRange(timeRange);

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateReservationInstances(updated).FirstOrDefault();

 private void DeleteReservationInstance(ReservationInstance instance)

Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a booking definition

using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ResourceManager.Objects;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Time;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway;

namespace SRM.SRM_BookingDefinition_CRUD
 public class Script
 // The ResourceManagerHelper object we will be using to communicate with the ResourceManager Module. This is our API.
 private ResourceManagerHelper _helper;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Initialize the ResourceManagerHelper
 _helper = new ResourceManagerHelper();

 // Handling the RequestResponseEvent gives the ResourceManagerHelper connection with SLNet.
 // Any server call the Helper makes behind the scenes calls this method.
 _helper.RequestResponseEvent += (sender, args) =>
 args.responseMessage = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(args.requestMessage);

 var created = CreateReservationDefinition();
 var retrieved = RetrieveReservationDefinition(created.ID);
 var updated = UpdateReservationDefinition(retrieved);

 private ReservationDefinition CreateReservationDefinition()
 // First we determine the recurrences.
 // Every day from 8h -> 9h
 var daily = new DailyRecurrence(TimeSpan.FromHours(8), TimeSpan.FromHours(1));

 // Every Saturday and Sunday, from 18h -> 20h
 var weekly = new WeeklyRecurrence(TimeSpan.FromHours(18), TimeSpan.FromHours(2), new[] { DayOfWeek.Saturday, DayOfWeek.Sunday });

 // Every first day of the month, from 10h -> 13h
 var monthly = new MonthlyRecurrence(TimeSpan.FromHours(10), TimeSpan.FromHours(3));

 var recurrences = new RecurrenceBase[] { daily, weekly, monthly };

 // The ReservationDefinition starts tomorrow, and lasts for a year.
 var now = DateTime.Now;
 var timing = new RecurrenceTiming(now.Date.AddDays(1), now.Date.AddYears(1), recurrences, TimeZoneInfo.Local);

 // Create the ReservationDefinition with the configured RecurrenceTiming.
 var definition = new ReservationDefinition(timing)
 Name = "MyDefinition",
 Description = "A definition containing daily, weekly and monthly recurrence",
 Status = ReservationStatus.Confirmed

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateReservationDefinitions(definition).FirstOrDefault();

 private ReservationDefinition RetrieveReservationDefinition(Guid id)
 var filter = ReservationDefinitionExposers.ID.Equal(id);
 return _helper.GetReservationDefinitions(filter).FirstOrDefault();

 private ReservationDefinition UpdateReservationDefinition(ReservationDefinition definition)
 // Let's simplify the scheduling and only do the daily.
 var daily = new DailyRecurrence(TimeSpan.FromHours(8), TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
 var recurrences = new RecurrenceBase[] { daily };
 var now = DateTime.Now;

 // The ReservationDefinition starts tomorrow, and lasts for a year.
 var timing = new RecurrenceTiming(now.Date.AddDays(1), now.Date.AddYears(1), recurrences, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
 var updated = definition.NewTiming(timing);

 return _helper.AddOrUpdateReservationDefinitions(updated).FirstOrDefault();

 private void DeleteReservationDefinition(ReservationDefinition definition)

Creating a service booking definition with children

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ResourceManager.Objects;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Time;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace SRM.SRM_BookingDefinitionWithChildren_Create
 public class Script
 // The ResourceManagerHelper object we will be using to communicate with the ResourceManager Module. This is our API.
 private ResourceManagerHelper _helper;
 private DateTime _utcNow;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Save the current time to calculate all other timings using the DT & T helper methods
 _utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

 // Initialize the ResourceManagerHelper
 _helper = new ResourceManagerHelper();

 // Handling the RequestResponseEvent gives the ResourceManagerHelper connection with SLNet.
 // Any server call the Helper makes behind the scenes calls this method.
 _helper.RequestResponseEvent += (sender, args) =>
 args.responseMessage = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(args.requestMessage);


 * Reservations:
 * └─ Main (1)
 * ├─ ChildOne (2)
 * └─ ChildTwo (3)
 * └─ SubChild (4)
 * ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗
 * ╠══════════════════════════════════════╣
 * ║ 0s 50s 100s 150s ║
 * ║ └────┴────┴────┴────┴────┴────┴────┘ ║
 * ║ 1_________11_________11_________1 ║
 * ║ 2__2 2__2 2__2 ║
 * ║ 3___3 3___3 3___3 ║
 * ║ 4_4 4_4 4_4 ║
 * ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝
 private void CreateReservationDefinitionWithChildren()
 // Main - 5 seconds -> 200 seconds
 var recurrences = new List<RecurrenceBase>()
 new CustomRecurrence(new TimeRangeUtc(DT(1), DT(11), TimeZoneInfo.Local)), // 5 seconds - 55 seconds
 new CustomRecurrence(new TimeRangeUtc(DT(12), DT(22), TimeZoneInfo.Local)), // 60 seconds - 110 seconds
 new CustomRecurrence(new TimeRangeUtc(DT(23), DT(33), TimeZoneInfo.Local)), // 115 seconds - 165 seconds

 var mainTiming = new RecurrenceTiming(DT(1), DT(40), recurrences, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
 var main = new ServiceReservationDefinition(mainTiming)
 ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
 Status = ReservationStatus.Confirmed,
 Name = "Root"

 // ChildOne - 5 seconds after start of parent (Main), duration of 15 seconds
 var childOneTiming = new RelativeTiming(T(3), T(1), EventExecutionTimeInfo.Marker.AfterStart);
 var childOne = new ServiceReservationDefinition(childOneTiming)
 Status = ReservationStatus.Confirmed,
 Name = "Child1"

 // ChildTwo - 25 seconds before end of parent (Main), duration of 20 seconds
 var childTwoTiming = new RelativeTiming(T(4), T(5), EventExecutionTimeInfo.Marker.BeforeEnd);
 var childTwo = new ServiceReservationDefinition(childTwoTiming)
 Status = ReservationStatus.Confirmed,
 Name = "Child2"

 // SubChild - 5 seconds after start of parent (ChildTwo), duration of 10 seconds
 var subChildTiming = new RelativeTiming(T(2), T(1), EventExecutionTimeInfo.Marker.AfterStart);
 var subChild = new ServiceReservationDefinition(subChildTiming)
 Status = ReservationStatus.Confirmed,
 Name = "Child2_1"

 // Save the main ReservationDefinition, this saves all the children as well

 private DateTime DT(int number, int stepSize = 5)
 return _utcNow.AddSeconds(number * stepSize);

 private TimeSpan T(int number, int stepsize = 5)
 return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(number * stepsize);

Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a profile parameter

using System;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Profiles;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway;
using Parameter = Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Profiles.Parameter;
using System.Linq;

namespace SRM.SRM_ProfileParameter_CRUD
 public class Script
 // We use the ProfileHelper object to communicate with the ProfileManager Module. This is our API.
 private ProfileHelper _helper;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Initialize the ProfileHelper
 _helper = new ProfileHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

 var created = CreateParameter();
 var retrieved = RetrieveParameter(created.ID);
 var updated = UpdateParameter(retrieved);

 private Parameter CreateParameter()
 var parameter = new Parameter
 Decimals = 5,
 DefaultValue = new ParameterValue()
 Type = ParameterValue.ValueType.Double,
 DoubleValue = 12345
 IsOptional = true,
 Name = "Amount of Apples",

 // Parameter can be linked to multiple protocols, each defined parameter shows an amount of apples
 ParameterReferences = new[]
 new ProtocolParameterReference()
 ParameterId = 201,
 ProtocolName = "Apple Farm",
 ProtocolVersion = ""
 new ProtocolParameterReference()
 ParameterId = 101,
 ProtocolName = "Orchard Protocol",
 ProtocolVersion = "",
 TableIndex = "Apple Counter" // Table index in case the ParameterId is a column parameter
 new ProtocolParameterReference()
 ParameterId = 1001,
 ProtocolName = "Forest Watch",
 ProtocolVersion = "",
 TableIndex = "Harvested: Apples" // Table index in case the ParameterId is a column parameter
 RangeMax = 99999,
 RangeMin = 0,
 Remarks = "The amount of apples in the Orchard",
 Stepsize = 1,
 Type = Parameter.ParameterType.Number,
 Units = "Apples"

 return _helper.ProfileParameters.Create(parameter);

 private Parameter RetrieveParameter(Guid id)
 var filter = ParameterExposers.ID.Equal(id);
 return _helper.ProfileParameters.Read(filter).FirstOrDefault();

 private Parameter UpdateParameter(Parameter parameter)
 parameter.Decimals = 6;
 parameter.Remarks = "Everybody likes apples";

 return _helper.ProfileParameters.Update(parameter);

 private void DeleteParameter(Parameter parameter)

Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a profile definition

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Profiles;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace SRM.SRM_ProfileDefinition_CRUD
 public class Script
 // We use the ProfileHelper object to communicate with the ProfileManager Module. This is our API.
 private ProfileHelper _helper;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Initialize the ProfileHelper
 _helper = new ProfileHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

 var created = CreateProfileDefinition();
 var retrieved = RetrieveProfileDefinition(created.ID);
 var updated = UpdateProfileDefinition(retrieved);

 private ProfileDefinition CreateProfileDefinition()
 var def = new ProfileDefinition
 Description = "Description",
 Name = "Name",
 Scripts = new[]
 new ScriptEntry()
 Description = "Script Description",
 Name = "Script Name",
 Script = "Script:ScriptToRun|||||"

 // ProfileDefinition can be based upon another ProfileDefinition (inheritance)
 // def.BasedOn.Add(...)

 // Create a new parameter linked to the ProfileDefinition (same method as in Profile Parameter code sample)

 return _helper.ProfileDefinitions.Create(def);

 private ProfileDefinition RetrieveProfileDefinition(Guid id)
 var filter = ProfileDefinitionExposers.ID.Equal(id);
 return _helper.ProfileDefinitions.Read(filter).FirstOrDefault();

 private ProfileDefinition UpdateProfileDefinition(ProfileDefinition profileDefinition)
 profileDefinition.Description = "Another Description";

 // Create a new parameter linked to the ProfileDefinition (same method as in Profile Parameter code sample)

 return _helper.ProfileDefinitions.Update(profileDefinition);

 private void DeleteProfileDefinition(ProfileDefinition profileDefinition)

Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a profile instance

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Profiles;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace SRM.SRM_ProfileInstance_CRUD
 public class Script
 // We use the ProfileHelper object to communicate with the ProfileManager Module. This is our API.
 private ProfileHelper _helper;

 public void Run(Engine engine)
 // Initialize the ProfileHelper
 _helper = new ProfileHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

 var created = CreateProfileInstance();
 var retrieved = RetrieveProfileInstance(created.ID);
 var updated = UpdateProfileInstance(retrieved);

 private ProfileInstance CreateProfileInstance()
 var instance = new ProfileInstance
 // Create a ProfileDefinition (same method as in ProfileDefinition CRUD)
 AppliesTo = CreateProfileDefinition(),
 Description = "A description",
 Name = "A Name",
 Values = new[]
 new ProfileParameterEntry()
 // Create a new parameter linked to the ProfileDefinition (same method as in Profile Parameter code sample)
 Parameter = CreateParameter(),
 Remarks = "This is a thing",
 Value = new ParameterValue()
 DoubleValue = 12345,
 Type = ParameterValue.ValueType.Double

 // ProfileInstance can be based upon another ProfileInstance (inheritance)
 // pi.BasedOn.Add(...);

 return _helper.ProfileInstances.Create(instance);

 private ProfileInstance UpdateProfileInstance(ProfileInstance instance)
 instance.Name = "Another Name";
 instance.Description = "Another Description";

 return _helper.ProfileInstances.Update(instance);

 private ProfileInstance RetrieveProfileInstance(Guid id)
 var filter = ProfileInstanceExposers.ID.Equal(id);
 return _helper.ProfileInstances.Read(filter).FirstOrDefault();

 private void DeleteProfileInstance(ProfileInstance profileInstance)

Managing virtual function definitions

A ProtocolFunctionHelper class is available that facilitates the creation of Automation scripts dealing with virtual function definitions.

The example below illustrates the use of the various methods in this class.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ServiceManager.Objects;

namespace SRM.SRM_FunctionDefinitions
    public class Script
        private ProtocolFunctionHelper _helper;

        public void Run(Engine engine)
            // Initialize the ProtocolFunctionHelper
            _helper = new ProtocolFunctionHelper();

            // Handling the RequestResponseEvent gives the ProtocolFunctionHelper connection with SLNet.
            // Any server call the Helper makes behind the scenes calls this method.
            _helper.RequestResponseEvent += (sender, args) =>
                args.responseMessage = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(args.requestMessage);

            // Retrieve the ProtocolFunction configuration
            var config = _helper.GetProtocolFunctionConfig();

            // Update the function hysteresis value to 12 days
            config.FunctionHysteresis = TimeSpan.FromDays(12);

            // Add a function
            var protocolName = "STA_DCF_DEVICE";
            var newVersion = "";
            var functionDefinition = AddFunctionToFunctionsXml(protocolName, newVersion);

            // Set the current functions XML to the new version
            _helper.SetCurrentFunctionsXml(protocolName, newVersion);
            // Get the EntryPoints of the specified function and element
            _helper.GetFunctionEntryPoints(functionDefinition.GUID, 1337, 360);
            // Delete the functions XML
            _helper.DeleteFunctionsXml(protocolName, newVersion);

            // You can also force delete the functions XML by setting the third 'force' attribute to true
            _helper.DeleteFunctionsXml(protocolName, newVersion, true);

            // Retrieve all protocol functions
            var functions = _helper.GetProtocolFunctions(protocolName);

            // If a function definition is already present on the system, you can get it by passing the FunctionDefinitionID to GetFunctionDefinition:
            var sysFunctionDefinition = _helper.GetFunctionDefinition(new FunctionDefinitionID(Guid.Parse("da1f3250-0e32-4584-bc4d-7595fb7a3fad")));
            // Or if you need multiple function definitions, pass a list of FunctionDefinitionIDs to GetFunctionDefinitions:
            var functionDefinitionIds = new List<FunctionDefinitionID>()
                new FunctionDefinitionID(Guid.Parse("521a23f6-eb31-4e7b-b06b-3c730ee91c47")),
                new FunctionDefinitionID(Guid.Parse("4f724aa3-b205-4d3b-a251-e9fc4eab1842"))
            var functionDefinitions = _helper.GetFunctionDefinitions(functionDefinitionIds);

        private FunctionDefinition AddFunctionToFunctionsXml(string protocolName, string newVersion)
            var functionDefinition = new FunctionDefinition
                GUID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name = "Decoder",
                MaxInstances = 2,

                // Define the input only interfaces
                InputInterfaces = new[]
                    new FunctionInterface()
                        Name = "SD IN", InterfaceType = InterfaceType.In, ParameterGroupLink = 500, Id = 100

                // Define the input/output interfaces
                InputOutputInterfaces = new[]
                    new FunctionInterface()
                        Name = "SD IN/OUT",
                        InterfaceType = InterfaceType.InOut,
                        ParameterGroupLink = 502,
                        Id = 101

                // Define the output only interfaces
                OutputInterfaces = new[]
                    new FunctionInterface()
                        Name = "SD OUT", InterfaceType = InterfaceType.Out, ParameterGroupLink = 501, Id = 102

                // Define the FunctionParameters
                Parameters = new[] {new FunctionParameter(500), new FunctionParameter(5), new FunctionParameter(6),},

                // Define the entry points
                EntryPoints = new[] {new FunctionEntryPointDefinition {ParameterId = 500}},

            // Wrap the FunctionDefinition in a ProtocolFunctionVersion
            // and add it to the functions XML of a protocol
            var protocolFunctionVersion = new ProtocolFunctionVersion
                Version = newVersion,
                ProtocolName = protocolName,
                FunctionDefinitions = new List<FunctionDefinition> {functionDefinition}

            _helper.AddFunctionsToFunctionsXml(protocolName, protocolFunctionVersion);
            return functionDefinition;