Table of Contents

Spectrum Analyzer script actions

When you add action lines to a spectrum analyzer script, a vast array of actions is available. You can select this in the Operation drop-down list in the Edit Monitor Script pane. When you select an action, a brief description is shown below, and the input fields for the statement are adjusted to the selected action.


Some actions only become available if certain other actions have been used earlier in the script. E.g. the Check Threshold action is not available unless an action Get Threshold is used first.


Below, the following abbreviations will be used to indicate the different types of variables in the script actions.

Variable Description
d double value
int integer value
str string
b condition (true/false)
p preset variable
s/t trace variable
l threshold variable
r reference object (marker or frequency reference)


The following table provides an overview of the available actions in spectrum scripts. For some of the actions, more information is provided below the table.

Script action name Script action Description
// Comment(...) Adds a line with comments. Such lines are ignored on script execution, but can help future maintenance of scripts.
Example: Comment(Hello world!)
Assign d = Assign(double) Assigns a hard-coded double value.
Create amplitude reference r = CreateAmpRef(d) Creates a reference line variable representing a certain level. This variable can then be used further down the script as if it was a reference line.
Create boolean var b = Bool(boolean) Assigns a boolean. The following instructions are allowed:
- b = Bool (TRUE) or b = Bool (1)
- b = Bool (FALSE) or b = Bool (0)
Create frequency reference r = CreateFreqRef(d) Creates a reference line variable representing a certain frequency. This variable can then be used further down the script as if it was a reference line or reference marker.
Find first frequency left r = FindLeft(t, refFreq, refAmp, int) Finds the first frequency level to the left of the given reference, having a level that is int dB lower than the amplitude reference refAmp.
E.g. FindLeft(trace, refFreq, refAmp, 3) and FindRight(trace, refFreq, refAmp, 3) can be used to find the -3dB points.
Find first frequency right r = FindRight(t, refFreq, refAmp, int) Finds the first frequency level to the right of the given reference, having a level that is int dB lower than the amplitude reference refAmp.
E.g. FindLeft(trace, refFreq, refAmp, 3) and FindRight(trace, refFreq, refAmp, 3) can be used to find the -3dB points.
Get amplitude difference between d = Delta(s,r1,r2) Returns the amplitude difference of a trace s measured at reference objects r1 and r2. The resulting value can be positive or negative.
Get amplitude level at d = GetLevel(s,r) Returns the amplitude level of a trace s at a reference object r.
N/A d = GetLevelNoise(s,r) Returns the amplitude level of a trace s at a reference object r [noise level].
Get average level between d = Avg(s,r1,r2) Calculates the average level of a trace s between reference objects r1 and r2.
Get average trace t = GetAvgTrace(p, int) Requests a number (int) of traces using the specified preset p, and returns the average of these traces.
Get channel power between frequencies d = ChannelPower(t, r1, r2) Calculates the channel power between two frequency references on a trace.
Get frequency at d = FreqAt(r) Returns the frequency level of a trace s at a reference object r.
Get frequency delta between d = FreqDelta(r1,r2) Returns the absolute value of the frequency difference taken at reference objects r1 and r2.
Get frequency maximum d = FreqMax(s) Returns the frequency for highest measured level in trace s.
Get frequency minimum d = FreqMin(s) Returns the frequency for lowest measured level in trace s.
Get from preset d = GetFromPreset(preset,
Reads the selected preset content from the given preset p.
Get global constant d = GetGlobal(id) Finds a global constant by ID.
Get historic average trace t = HistAvgTrace(t, int) Combines the given trace t with up to int-1 previously requested traces (from earlier monitor runs). The returned trace is the average of all these traces.
Get historic maximum trace t = HistMaxTrace(t, int) Combines the given trace t with up to int-1 previously requested traces (from earlier monitor runs). The returned trace is the maximum of all these traces.
Get historic minimum trace t = HistMinTrace(t, int) Combines the given trace t with up to int-1 previously requested traces (from earlier monitor runs). The returned trace is the minimum of all these traces.
Get low peak frequency d = FreqPeakLow(s,r1,r2) Returns the frequency of a trace s between reference objects r1 and r2 at which the amplitude level reaches the lowest peak.
Get marker from preset r = GetMarker(p,int) Retrieves a marker from a given preset p. The second parameter indicates which marker is requested (1..max).
Get maximum amplitude level for trace d = Max(s) Returns the maximum level measured in trace s.
Get maximum hold trace t = GetMaxTrace(p, int) Requests a number (int) of traces using the specified preset, and returns the maximum of all these traces.
Get minimum amplitude level for trace d = Min(s) Returns the minimum level measured in trace s.
Get minimum hold trace t = GetMinTrace(p, int) Requests a number (int) of traces using the specified preset p, and returns the minimum of all these traces.
Get parameter value d = GetParam(parameter) Gets a double value for a parameter of the spectrum element.
Get peak frequency d = FreqPeak(s,r1,r2) Returns the frequency of a trace s between reference objects r1 and r2 at which the amplitude level reaches the highest peak.
Get preset p = GetPreset(str) Loads a preset with name str into preset variable p.
- The preset is not applied when this function is executed, it is only loaded into memory.
- This function can only be used on public presets.
Get preset from monitor p = GetPresetFromMonitor() Loads the current preset for a monitor that specifies a series of preset names. This option allows a monitor to execute the script multiple times using different presets.
Get reference line from preset r = GetRefline(p,int) Retrieves a reference line from a given preset p. The second parameter indicates which reference line is requested (1..max).
Get start frequency for trace d = Start(s) Returns the start frequency for trace s.
Get stop frequency for trace d = Stop(s) Returns the stop frequency for trace s.
Get the highest level out of d = Peak(s,r1,r2) Returns the highest peak level of a trace s between reference objects r1 and r2.
Get the lowest level out of d = PeakLow(s,r1,r2) Returns the lowest peak level of a trace s between reference objects r1 and r2.
Get threshold from preset l = GetThreshold(p) Gets a threshold object from a given preset p.
Get trace s = GetTrace(p) Requests a trace s using the settings from the given preset variable p.
- The preset variable p should be loaded by executing the function GetPreset(str).
- This function will cause the settings stored in the preset to be applied prior to getting the trace.
Is condition fulfilled b = Condition(d1>d2) Returns the condition status between brackets.
Available operators: >, <, <=, >=, =, !=
Is exceeded threshold on trace hist b = HistCheckThreshold(s, l, amountFail, amountCheck) Looks up the given trace together with up to int-1 previously requested traces (from earlier monitor runs), then checks all these against the given threshold. If the number of failures exceeds amountFail, true is returned.
Is trace above maximum threshold b = CheckThreshold(s, l) Checks a trace s against a threshold l. If the level of the trace is higher than the level of the threshold for one or more frequencies, the boolean b will be set to TRUE.
Is trace below minimum threshold d = CheckMinThreshold(s,l) Checks a trace s against a threshold l. If the level of the trace is lower than the level of the threshold for one or more frequencies, the boolean b will be set to TRUE.
Math.Abs d = Abs(d1) Takes the absolute value of a double value d1.
Math.Divide d = Div(d1,d2) Divides the double value d1 by d2.
Math.Max d = MathMax(d1,d2) Finds the maximum of the two given values d1 and d2.
Math.Min d = MathMin(d1,d2) Finds the minimum of the two given values d1 and d2.
Math.Multiply d = Mul(d1,d2) Multiplies the values d1 and d2.
Math.Rand d = Rand(int) Gets a random number between 0 and int.
Math.Subtract d = Sub(d1,d2) Subtracts the values d1 and d2.
Math.Sum d = Sum(d1,d2) Returns the sum of the values d1 and d2.
Perform logic b = Logic(b1 || b2) Returns the result of simple logical operations. Available operators: &&, ||
Set measurement point SetMeasPoint
Selects the given measurement point measPointId.
Set parameter in preset SetInPreset(preset, setting, value) Sets a particular setting in the given preset to the specified value. Note that the preset itself is not updated, only its in-memory representation. This modified preset can be used to dynamically request traces with different settings.
Set parameter value SetParam(parameter, value, options) Sets a parameter on the spectrum element. By way of options, you can specify whether there should be a 1-second delay between set and verify, and whether the set should be verified.
Sleep Sleep(d) Pauses script execution for a specific number of milliseconds.
Stop script StopScript(b) Stops script execution if condition is true.