Table of Contents

Using Spectrum Analysis presets

About presets

Spectrum Analysis presets can be used to reload settings, to reload a set of markers, to save and reload a trace image, to load a reference trace, etc. The following information can be stored in a preset:

  • Settings, e.g. start frequency, stop frequency

  • Display settings, including the trace visibility

  • A reference trace

  • Marker positions

  • Reference lines

  • Threshold information

  • Measurement cycles

  • The ID of the measurement point for which the trace is measured

Presets can be saved publicly (i.e. shared) or privately:

  • Public: Anybody can access, use and modify these presets. Commonly used presets will typically be saved as “public” so that everybody performs the same measurement with the same settings, and store a reference trace image.

  • Private: Private presets are only available for the user account that created them. Other users will not be able to see or use these presets.

Saving presets

In order to save a configuration, a preset must already exist that you can save the configuration into.

To save a preset in DataMiner Cube:

  1. Go to the SAVE section of the Presets tab in the settings pane.

  2. In the drop-down list, select the preset you want to save the configuration into.

  3. Click Save.

Loading presets

To load a preset in DataMiner Cube:

  1. Go to the LOAD section of the Presets tab in the settings pane.

  2. To show public presets as well as private presets, select Show shared presets.

  3. In the list of available presets, select the one you wish to load.

    If the selected preset has a description, this will be displayed below the list of presets.

  4. In the Preset contents section, select the checkboxes corresponding to the preset content you want to load.


    Depending on the content of the preset, some checkboxes may not be available.

  5. Click the Load button.


When a reference trace has been loaded from a preset, it will be added in the list of traces in the info pane, with the corresponding trace color.

  • You can change the reference trace color in the trace tab of the ribbon, by clicking Color > Reference trace, and selecting the new color.
  • To hide the reference trace, in the trace tab of the ribbon, clear the selection from Show reference.

Creating new presets

To create a new preset in DataMiner Cube:

  1. In the settings pane, at the bottom of the Presets tab, click the Manage button.

  2. Click the New button.

  3. Enter a name for the preset and, optionally, a description.

  4. Optionally, to create a public preset, select Share preset with other users. If you do not do so, the preset will by default be considered a private preset.

  5. Optionally, make the preset protected by selecting Save as protected. Protected presets can only be edited by the user who made them or by users with the user permission Edit/Delete Protected Presets.

  6. Click OK.

    The preset will be added to the list of available presets.

Editing presets

For more information on how to save different information in a preset, see Saving presets.

To edit the settings, name or description for a preset:

  1. In the settings pane, at the bottom of the Presets tab, click the Manage button.

  2. Click the Edit button.

  3. Edit the name, description and settings as needed, in the same way as when creating the preset.

  4. Click OK.


Shared presets can be used in scripts, so modifications could cause a script to malfunction. Therefore, a warning will be shown when you attempt to modify a preset that is currently used by a script.

Deleting presets

To delete a preset in DataMiner Cube:

  1. In the settings pane, at the bottom of the Presets tab, click the Manage button.

  2. Click the preset you want to delete in order to select it.

  3. Click the Delete button below the list of presets.